Monday, April 1, 2019

Vedas are not source of HInduism

In fact, it is weird that some think even after lot many archaeological proofs Vedas are the source of Hinduism. Vedic society had limited presence and that too in Magadha, Kurukshetra regions by 6th century BC. Nowhere else, even in Maharashtra traces are found of the existence of Vedic people or their religion prior to first century BC and in the south, Sangam literature proves that prior to third century AD Vedic religion was unknown to them. This only does mean that this religion gradually spread with conversions using missionary practices.
If you go through Tevijja Sutta, it will appear to you that Buddha has treated the Vedic religion as a distinct body opposed to Hindus those had several philosophical streams. Idolatry, Devotion, Salvation, Liberation was never part of Vedicism. In fact largest philosophical sect in Hinduism, that time was Sramana from which Ajeevkas, Buddism, Jainism, and many other sects sprang. Ajeevaka, Vratya were the oldest pre-vedic philosophical sects and were popular. This was the tradition of renunciation in Hinduism to which Vedas oppose. Pancharatrins promoted devotion, Yoga and Tantric rituals those were banned in Vedic rituals calling them “Vedbahya”. There were numerous Tantric sects (the foundation of Hinduism) centered around the worship of Shiva-Shakti as their chief deity. Shiva is nowhere to be found in Vedas. Common people of those times followed simple idol worship adhering to some or other sectarian ritualistic practice.
Vedics entered India sometime in 1200 BC and by sixth century BC did find some space in few states of northern India. Buddha challenges all the sects and their doctrines including Vedic as well. His mention and opposition to Vedas is as same as his opposition to Ajeevaka and Sankhya Doctrine. So this does not prove at all that the Vedas are the source of the Hinduism. This has been distinct religion and though Vedics has accepted idolatry to some extent, in Gupta era, they tried to vedicise them by creating easily detectable false myths around Hindu deities. Still, Shiva and Shakti remain non-Vedic and the scholars including Dr. RN Dandekar acknowledges this fact. There is no relation between Hindu and Vedic religion. Both have independent sources and different social order. 
Vedic ritualistic practices also are too distinct the way their Gods are. Puja was never ever part of Vedicism. Had Vedas been source of the Hinduism, Vedas and Vedic gods would have remained dominant even today for entire Hindu society. But except for Vedics , none follows Vedic ritualistic practices and their Gods. It is ridiculous to consider both the religion one and the same and that Vedas are source of the Hinduism. The socio-cultural history does not support this claim!


  1. Please have a basic post of vedas what it contains, is it serious knowledge or just bluff and pray towards secondary Gods. If they had some sort of knowledge then what type of knowledge is it. Has it based upon science as some so called expert says or just a delusional texts. I had tried to read rigved but with every now and then prayers were getting offered to gods that I got tired of it. Plus apart from it I would like to view your thoughts on ramayana in general bcz I find it very hard to digest its philosophy

  2. तथाकथित वैदिक धर्म हा भारतातील फारच अवार्चीन धर्म असून तो कृत्रिमरित्या दयानंद सरस्वती च्या काळात वैदिक साहित्य निर्माण करण्यात आलेले आहेत. म्हणूनच यांचे अर्चिओलॉजिकल पुरावे मिळत नाहीत. आर्य आक्रमण थेअरी व सिंधू सरस्वती थेअरी बनावट आहे. इराण अफगाणिस्तान व jewish लोक भारतात विविध राजवटींच्या काळात भारतात प्रशासक म्हंणून आले व indigenous सिद्ध करण्यासाठी ब्रह्म जाणणारे वा ब्राह्मण declare केले. तसेच बौद्ध, जैन, हिंदू इत्यादी indigenous धर्मातून वाङ्मय चौर्य केले. ऋग्वेदाची निर्मिती झेंद अवेस्ता ची कॉपी आहे. जाती वर्ण जन्माधारित शे दोनशे वर्षे जुन्या आहेत. AIT जसे fraud आहे तसेच वैदिक वा सनातन धर्म हे हि fraud च आहे. या मागे भारतविरोधी आंतरराष्ट्रीय षडयंत्र आहे कारण एके काळी भारताचे GDP जगाच्या ४०% होते. हि संपत्ती गेली कोठे ? याचा शोध घेणे गरजेचे आहे.

  3. "Sangam literature proves that prior to third century AD Vedic religion was unknown to them" --- But doesn't sangam literature mention the presence of gods like indra ? Don't they also mention the presence of few brahmins ?

  4. "Vedics entered India sometime in 1200 BC and by sixth century BC did find some space in few states of northern India" --->
    May i ask what evidence do you have in support of this 1200 BCE date ? It's too late even by standard AMT . Besides, when do you think cremation came into being ?

  5. All that the Indians have achieved is due to the whiteman ! That is the record of History ! dindooohindoo

    The Hindoo "owe it all" to the "Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair"

    The "Hindoo Gods and the Inspiration" for the Hindoo " of the "RigVeda" are all "Whitemen with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair" (Like Limpet Limpdick Indra etc)
    It was the white Scythians with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair, who"brought horses and chariots", into the shit hole of Dindoosthan, for the Hindoo
    It was the white Romans with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,who built the "gold chest" of the Hindoo (by importing the shit silk and spices)
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,from whom the Hindoo "copied the chronology of all the Kings of the Puranas"
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,like the "Greeks and others", from whom the Hindoo "learnt about Krishna "
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes from whom the Hindoo learnt about "animal worship - Nandi and Jallikattu"
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes,from Persia, from whom the Hindoo learnt about "Fire Worship and the concept of the soul" and the "land of Persia" , described in the "Rig veda" as the "land of the Aryans"
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes from whom the Hindoo learnt about "astronomy and the basics of the movements, of the planets and stars"
    It was the "French and American Generals" (General Jean Baptiste Ventura and Jean Francois Allard) in the army of Ranjit Singh which won the Khalsa wars - with EU artillery and cavary - else there would have been, no Khalsa Military success, ever
    If the French and American Generals "had not been" in the army of Ranjit Singh, the "Khalsa would have been destroyed by the Mughals", before the Brits raped the Khalsa,and the "Mughals would have gained in strength, to drive out the Brits" - converting the Hindoo into Muslims
    It was the "Brits who destroyed the Mughals" - else these Hindoo would be Muslims toay
    It was the Brits who "taught English" to the Hindoo
    It was the Brits who laid down the "education,railways, administrative and bureaucractic process",for these Hindoo ( sample the Engineering Skills)

    It was the Brits who "planned,structured and executed the army and airforce", for these Hindoo
    It was the Brits who "brought modern science" to these Hindoo
    It was the Brits who "institutionalised the Martial Race Theory",in the Military
    It was the Brits who "educated Ambedkar, who wrote the constitution" for the Hindoo
    It was the Brits who "educated and trained Gandhi" and "built him into a Global Icon and Brand" - else the Hindoo /Africans, would have devoured Gandhi,a long time ago
    It was the Brits who taught the Hindoo "how to eat with a spoon and a fork "
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,who brought the"condom" the Hindoo
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair from Communist Russia - who "gifted all the space and military technology", to the Hindoo and built the infrastructure for the Hindoo
    It was a Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair,"Max Mueller"who introduced the Hindoo to the world
    It is the Whiteman with Blue Eyes and Golden Hair from Communist Russia,who "prevented the rape and pillage" of the Hindoo by the "Chinese and the Pakistanis"
    Which is Y the "Hindoo are only fit" to "drink Gau Mutram" – which is Cow Piss Cola


कृत्रिम बुद्धीमत्तेच्या मर्यादा

     चीनच्या डीपसीकने अलीकडेच जगभर कसा हादरा दिला याचे वृत्त सर्वांनीच वाचले असेल. त्यावर चर्चाही केल्या असतील. भारतही आपने स्वत:चे ए....