Saturday, August 1, 2020

Monsoon Sonata

A cloud burst
solemn and serious
will issue
from the cluster of clouds
in soul forms
We shall drench ourselves in self delight

that day will come…
But in the meanwhile
let’s sing the monsoon Sonata


Water-harmonica is resonating
On the shores of the sky
And the anklets jingling
At the feet of the horizons high
To its rhythm are approaching
Group of graceful clouds well nigh
And my eyes in tremulous anxiety
Feast upon this bounty

This is the very first day of rains !


The Monsoon Sonata is intoxicated
it’s the song of the liberated heart
of frothing rivers and unbounded sea
it is the cherished intent
Come brothers … come all
And fill the cup of your heart
with notes of this rain hymn
Trickling drop after drop


In the heart of the earth
Countless green sprouts hold sway
As though through those prodigious lips
The earth’s singing today
The dusky sky
Thrilled to the core
Spins gay birds
And it wafts high and low
an aerial encore

Thus it is that the whole sum
Is today tuned to a hum

That maiden of tender parts
Is leaning, oh so well arched !
Her lips upon the bowed canopy
of clouds wisely earmarked
And this delicate verse
Caught in the cloud’s arms
And the rain pouring on me
Whispering an easy song :
“Glory to love ! Glory to hearts strong !”


The rain bursting
from the clouds
And I say
“Come brother … Get wet ! ”
Such benign rain
Might not issue again
And if you stay aloof
Your old age thirst
will sulk under the roof


In this little pond
The sky is stealing
A look at itself
The way lord peeps
At his sprit
In my little eyes human


Come ….
Today we shall role
Over and over
On this green and velvety turf
Blue clemency is streaming
From the sky above … for us !
There ! Those beady drops
The crests of green blades
But wait … touch ‘em not ….
let ‘em also look at the world
Sweetheart ….
Hold your breath
Its time the dusk
Kissed this evening.
the dainty lilies
are laughing innocently
like a new-born child
the soft and pliant wind
is planting kisses
and swelling and racing
To the horizons
The clouds too are swell
And on their lips too
A delicate, lovely smile has sparkled.
I stand here wrapped in clouds
On the far shore of the horizon !
The thrilling verdure of the earth
Has become my bosom
And it hails out to me :
“ You are mine
Albeit, in you alone I abide … “
Today, why do I see
My own stir
In every atom of nature ?
Who are these heavenly courtesans
Visible to me ?
The notes of which unknown song
Are ringing in my ears ?
Why rhythm is impelling me
To string this metrical composition ?

The clouds are brimful …
The rain is pouring
Which great bard
Hums in my ears
This wordless song ?
Today the earth is giving birth
To weird notes
Everything’s as though enchanted
And blossomed
In a single soul

The fellowship trickling
From plants and shrubs
Has left me spellbound
In country suburbs

The minds thirsty …
Full of tremulous anxiety !
But of what consoling sorrow
Does the heart show !

Brother, the sky weighs upon me
And I am myself perplexed
At the rain in me !


Just once ….
I experience of that tender caress
That soft touch !
And for my sake
It seemed as though
the clouds spilt
the meaning of life
Then I received my summons
From this rich quarters
And the heart started ringing unexpectedly
With the Monsoon Sonata
This cloud burst
In sage-hearted
For those
Who live in god’s righteous light
My heart is streaming out
From this cloud !
I am viewing the subtle rain drop
Upon my tender lips
And in my eyes
And in every other eye
There’s a new monsoon
The whole world seems to have
Become cloud-laden
And rainy today !

Oh my dearest rain princess
Secure yourself in my embrace
Be perfumed by my intense love
Let your little jingling bells clink
upon the silken leaves,
in rains wink
Let your warmth and affection stream
From the dark corners of your eyes
In this cold and breezy dream
Keep humming in all my parts
Give lips to every breath of mine
When I see the humble evening
at the dusk
standing their damp and wet
the shadows of my pensive mind
are cast away
and an ancient songs
Unknowingly trickles from the lips
Nothing makes sense ….
Who am I ? where do I belong ? …
For do whom I exist ?
Let the sky dash down now
Then sing the song of innocent sky
With your delicate lips
O naïve dear !
These moments are meant
For witnessing this celebration
In speechlessness
They are not the birds
To be captured in words
Someone, god knows why and how
Who whispering through these atoms …
So full of sentience

Enthralled, I try to understand
This eternal existence …
Like my being !
But sky still overcast
And dewy eyes are raining in torrents
Slowly and slowly, the rain will stop
The clouds of feelings will clear out
Then the dispassionate blue sky
Shall reveal itself to me
Forever !
Sometimes I am all stirred up
And I fall into the tumultuous medley
Agonized by the cruel wordly chum
I keep collapsing
But the churning goes on
In its indefatigable velocity
And my collapsing
Is also a part of it !
The birds are chirping …
That’s the innocent sparkling
Of your laughter
I look around bemused
And see all the stroping shadows
Of the past
In the sunshine of the rainbow
I grow misty once again
Lost in myself
Let me sing more
Of the perpetual music
Which intends to liberate me
From the whole caboodle today
Allow me
To experience that love
At least now …
That love which you can’t give me.

How fabulous
This life is…
Subtle like gorgeous cloud
And akin to a mystical evening
Which has been blown by
the south west wind
So enigmatic…
Like the ever evasive grasp
Of a flighty, whimsical damsel
She is sometimes little known
Sometimes better known
Yet unknown

Your eyes are brimming with tears !
O my girl, look at the sky overhead
Weeping with a hundred thousand eyes
And look at the dispassionate ocean too
Try sometime if you please
To feel the storm
In my deep
You shall then relies
How painful it is
To deceive one’s tear
falling in one’s own eyes
And yet struggle
To stand upright
Though the very tumbling plight
No ! it serves no one right
To fall by little woes
Or let disappointments
Deceit and unfair measure
To break you, my dear !
Like lovely silver sand
In my fist ….
May forever stay
In my dreamy world !
But there !
Dodging through the fingers
Of my torn fist
They are slipping out
With great speed !
Now there’s no time
For brooding on remorse
The sun’s setting
And the road is winding away
O mind, do not tarry now
Frenzied by the calls from the past
For the knack of deception
Even whilst the end has come
Continues to be Time’s

Don't get soaked today
Don't get drenched in rain
The clouds are thick
Like Thieves
Rather than daring the foul air
Stay put in my hug, my dear !
Every leaf
Is flushed with green sap and spirit
And the throats of the birds
Ring out with celestial melodies
This pathway so shy and bashful
Saves the girdle of chastity
Winding carefully her half-blossomed
From meeting the delicate grassy hug
As should a girl in garment wet

The delicates silver dream
Dreamt by the blue sky
And the swaying and swinging green
Flouring of the crop
Is throbbing
In my formidable embrace-
One vast embrace !

Your laughter is scattered
upon the whole earth my dear
It's become the cream of sandal !
And your hair do
Is gone helter skelter
Along the blowing wind
I have become a cloud
In these mysterious woods
I know not in whose tender arms
I am slowly being captured

Leafless tree
Is doused and bathed
As a barren erotic relation
Looking down at this rain shower
In the puddle underfoot
For a distance....
Rather cheerless
Of life incessant.

The rain never stops
It keeps pouring
In a pit-pat rhythm
And the fortuitous monsoon sonata
Resonates constantly
Through my heart
Through our sweet whispers

My misty, dreamy love,
Sometimes it's you
Who comes in the form of the monsoon
And I wrap you around my body
On some still damp morn
With my heart saturated.... reborn !

Really speaking
Nowadays I fear nothing
Neither the ominous deluge of rains
In dark and witchy nights
Nor the lash of lightening
Which whips the heart
Nothing daunts me
" The end of the world could not be
More terrible than this"
I have transgressed such fears
And I now stand on adult
I've known the void
Which seems like an emissary of Death
And abides in the heart of rain

Now and again
Even I feel like becoming
A hot, ashen tableland
And be aloof
Without a care for the world !
The disgust born of swallowing
Treason and betrayals
Sometimes impels me
In chance moments of paroxysm
To rain on
With a vicious ravening war cry
But then if feels instantly
That I wasn't born
for such vile acts
Even if I burst
The thirsty green earth
Must blossom and vegetate anon !
There should be someone mine
My own upon whom
I can exercise my unprincipled rights
But then
Why must I alone feel this ?
This sky too has nobody
Nor has the monsoon known
Anyone as its own
And this stupendous world's court
Does it need a point of support ?
And if I am
A part of this setient tree
Why does this thirst unquenched
Ever grows in me ?

Death to me
Now feels my own
To hug its bosom
Names a deep pleasure
And a feeling of security

How can one escape
The woes pouring curse
And the rain of traitors humours ?

To escape these rain currents
We must ride
The cloud property which causes torrents

Which lord is strumming
The lute of infinite strings ?
It is raining....

The solemnity
With which that peasant
Joined his palms
With the same solemnity
I too lauded that music

I'm frozen...shivering...frenzied
Imbibing in me
The Monsoon Sonata
Sung by the Lord
Dreams and visions
I sure like to see

Their delicateness
And limitless sensitiveness
Are object of my love

How subtle are dreams
Like ripples in the lake
Sinless and innocent
As the rainy sky

Now wipe out tears
And consider this sapling
Even in this cruel, crazy, indecisive world
It is treating itself to the joy
That lies in living life
And experiencing
The unprecedent moment
Say, my dear, why then are you
So fearful ?
The sorrows keep coming
Like the punctual steps
of monsoon
... They have to come !
How else my dear
Are you to know
The value of life ?

The value of a single smile
Harvested in the land
Manured with a thousand tears...
My love
Never count it any less
To go on loving everyone
Like the rain
Which pours indiscriminately
On all beings, all creatures...
This is pure religiousity

May be
Sweet saplings will sprout
Or may be it will grow
Thorny bushes by the scores

But does the rain
Ever care about it ?
This right
Is reserved for poems
But these fine words
Breaking from my lips
Aren't mine

The note and the cadence
Rising from my heart
Isn't mine

These woes...this sorrow
Or my un requilted love
I don't even give any meaning to it

Events transpire, eke out responses
but my abyssal soul
Stays untouched by them

What is all this ?
And how did it come about ?
Or better still, who filled
This subtle verse in me ?

I know it not !
I know it not !

I'm simply living on
And singing on extravagantly
With full liberty

My weeping and waiting
Nights after nights
Or lawless laughter
Of lunatic seizure
Are but sports..

Beyond all this I've secured
My immortal existence
Dispassionately watching
All these miracles
And spotting the change of humours

From an unknown of obscure intent
Transpiring for reasons unknown
And me too unknown
To my own self

How then can I even name
This poem to my fame ?
Life's extremely beautiful
Because of my emotions
I refuse to give up
My madness
Which consists in frisking about
· In libertine delight
Monsoon shall come
Again and again
And every time
This heart will stream
With a new Monsoon Sonata
Of myraid colours !
Today perhaps
There's a writhing of agony
Tomorrow a pink flush
Of affection
May be upon it
And the day after
There might just be
An unattached well being
And my last Monsoon Sonata
Might even be mute...
Because then I wouldn't need words
To express it !

The sky is incensed
And can be sensed
But in this manner wise
I won't ever try to search
The meaning of compassion
Which in human eyes lurches
For I know
That it's all distant...
Beyond the realm of the knowable
Therefore the song of my life
Is in living alone

People cry
Or laugh mischievously
But everyone's pure
For if some rainy season
Grows thorns on earth's bosom
Of that piece of earth
it's seldom a fault
Nor is the rain, nor thorns
Are censurable for that cause

Mounted upon a rain cloud
I'm sailing across
With an aqueous melting heart
Crossing over all these intense moments

And my heart's bewildered !

O life! How charming are you
Akin to my dreamy sweetheart !

Come my chum
Let's love far too much
And if you can
Tell me the truth of your heart
And my import
By myself apprehended
No... just forget it
For does not true delight
Come from misty will-less sight ?

This jingling of life's veena
Makes me crazy
The bird in me soars intoxicated
Along this musical path
the ocean of melodies
Swell around me
An my arms tug and clasp
All about the tree of life

Seated in the door of death
Through every particle of this earth
And thro' millions of lamps in the sky
I am singing the song of life

Even though
The detached cloud of sorrow
The moon shines in the heavenly eye
And from this rock too
Creepers joyously look at the world
I say unto these :
O' name one amongst you
Never leave me alone
For your lesson
An your deed
Every breath of mine
Is a carpet indeed !'

Of the elixir of life
I go on dancing an tipsied
I do not care
For those vile ones
Who dared sell their deities

Aren't we the pilgrims
Of immortal way !
What remorse must we bear then
Of pits and potholes mundane ?

Incessantly pours the rain
Of flowers incensed
with musical nectar

And I
Picking up dream shells
Off the shores
Walk along this way
Wayward...and lost !

I take great delight
In weeping as well
Whence my head is still
Upon the brimful bosom of the sky
The pacifying caress
Of my father in the heaven
Lightens up my difficult path
I am neither indignant, not remorseful
I grudge no offender
Because I am infatuated
And with millions of my arms
I strike notes on countless guitars.

Hearing this pit-pat
And swaying along
Weaving rich scarves of dreams
One sweetheart of unnamed creed
will come
Searching for me...
O how eager I am !
How frequently my heart pine for her !

The princess liberty
And I/me
At her mercies !

In holding the touching moments
Close to the heart
I was touched as well
An I forgot my grief here
Becoming a disciple
Of an anonymous regime
And peering at this world
Now I can hear the whispers
From little lunar beams
Who calls me from there
So gently?
Who sings through my veins
So soothingly ?

On rainy nights
Propped next to the window
I stand glued
To the vistent rthytm of torrents
Looking at this mysterious down pour
I am ever lost in a mammoth dream

In the incessant mad splash
I sense the world
Trembling, stroping and humbled
By the rain

The icy drizzle
Which raises shivers on the body
With every cold breeze
Can't restore conciousness in me

The monsoon courses on
making me reckon
The spirit giving hand of eternal life
....The hand that blesseth

Then taking me close
To the endless moments and realisations
The monsoon gives me a vision
Of the mysterious, vital world

Such lust as
That the night may never en
The moments may never trickle down
with such immediacy
This music of humanity
Breathing through the pores of the world
Very rarely such intensity
Wins over the atoms of the spirit

The world is fearful
And flings itself
In the arms of secure affections
Searching for support
As though this rain is a rain
Of clamities and death
The one which will scrape away
All prosperity

By the lightening thunder
They wake up
And search for security
In the lap of a sweetheart
A wife or a mother

They feel
Outside in half-awakening
Something dreadful awaits them
With its jaws wide open
But I stay undaunted here
Fully awake and askance
All these discoveries
And I grasp the Monsoon Sonata
Overflowing from all quarters

O my heart’s companions !
Today I pen this Monsoon Sonata
With drops of rain and drizzle
Painting them with emotions
Yours and mine …
Hopes … frustrations … terrible setbacks
Of expectations ….
And the void gained
In attempts at love unrequited
And search for truth profound

My soulmates !
Wake up … Rise to your feet
Let us find the ray of truth
Streaming from
These dark and swelling clouds
Let us sing the Monsoon Sonata
To our hearts content
Because today
We need to resurrect our values of life
Which are slowly breaking away
We need to weave the world
In harmonious music
We need to sing the never ending song of

In unison

Wake up … Arise …
The hour of dawn has struck
And the rain too pours
For the same effulgence

This rain…
It shall slacken in a few moments
And then there will be a brief day
Do not miss these sun’s rays
Which come and go in moments
Lest you are left forever
Searching for succour
In rain’s fear

These clouds in delicate part
Like your illusory contact
And their leisurely deport
As you weigh your steps in court
So wild and willful
That I can’t … can’t …
Hold’em in arms full
They slide away and ship
From my embrace and grip
Like you …

Lightening a glitters
From all the ten quarters
The fiery roar of Rudra resonates
And the heart of space rents
Then exudes Sprit from afar
Sounding notes of Omkar

the winds blw in blasts …
Earth has lain prostrate
Before this
Shaivic sky great
A Surrender…
Of things down and under!

Me to humbled
Bow unto the high
Like creepers and bent trees
And moments stopped abruptly
In me mettuer feebly :
“Om Tryambakdm yajamaje…”

My friend !
When I see the stormy rewind
In the interiors of your mind
And the disgust
About hypocrites unjust,
Then I too remember
The fierce monsoon’s old number.…

That furious monsoon
Which leashes its watering streams
Compresses its vast being
And sails along panting
From horizon to horizon
Unspilt …

Oh how easily it dries up the heart …
How carelessly forgets its own part …

But then my friend!
If you are to leave in shower
The same unlearned human feather
What use in pouring and fall?
This unseemly rain’s ball

Even so, the fool …
Who ask this question?
From the walled city and closed mansion
Perchance happens
To come by rain’s puns
So in the end
All men in joy do tend

Then why must you not melt ?
Crumble and have it all felt ?

My friend!
Just as this world needs
A gallant rain of punctual deeds
You too are much needed !
To prove the fullness of all things seeded !

I pine from monsoon
Because it peels away
The adultish filth grey
And with its thousand arms wet
Washes my notions set

A greem skin in rain
Makes me a sinless child again…

It puts out hopes old and fresh
Annihilates the lusts of the flesh
Ruling over my dreams
And all plain empty schemes
Monsoon blows on my soul’s streams

A green skin in rain
Makes me in sinless child again …
Those wasted agonies
Ambitions lost to thorny trees
All turns into dew and fog
Wet drops alas
Behind the glass

And then of a sudden
The unborn rain starts its hum
Raising fresh sprouts handsome
Of sensations pure
To stay and lure

A green skin in rain
Makes me in sinless child again …


Come, let’s go out
And walk on the wet soil
Carving our footprints
And monsoon hints
Upto the horizon let’s go on
Where god stands leaning on
Spreading his inscrutable mesh
With cloudy veil and an illusion fresh

See !
How in your stride
The whole Nature does abide
Oh my comrade !
You are not alone
In salvation or marching bone
For your quest for emancipation
Touches all creation

Whether that horizon
Draws near or not …
Whether the nectar in the clouds
Trickles down or not …
Running after it is still fraught
With joy and reward of our lot

Why must we save Time’s parch?
Why then, stop our march!


Sometimes I too feel secure
In becoming a cloud obscure
Like a peeping cloud’s tease
And nobody’s grasp to please
No hint as to who I am !
No breath to shape, no rhythm !

But how silly is my urge
If I am to myself so opaque
How can I ever say
That I’d for you

Become an open book
Or a transparent nook


Why guard existence ?
For whom must we save all Sentience ?
If we must dance at all…..
On the floor, in a ball
Let’s storm the whole wake
A glade festival make !
If excess alone dispersed
Why let our steps be cursed ?

Until we are fully drained
And our substance’s all rained
Our life’s but
A barren cloud
A cursed star
An earthly shroud

As for me ….
I shall pour on and on
Until the heart’s last dawn
Pour I’d upon rain
Or earth’s loving terrain
Or on hills depopulated
Or on brimming ocean spated

Maybe I can’t make
Much obeisance in this wake
But when there’s no more to shed
And nothing more to be said
I’ll have this pleasure gained :
“Host is gone, only guests remained.”

Death and its palpable fear
Had gotten me too
With its pangs and throbbing tremour

A page to life !
Me too just a liveried boy in band
And my spend errand !

Me thought
What should my death impart ?
And whatever might start ….
Will it these muslin memories
Well tie and depart ?

But ever since I’ve made a note
Of monsoon’s lavish note
And experienced again and again
Some frenzy in dropping rain
Since them
Just one feeling profound
Has had my mind bound :

‘If these very clouds pour
Drop for drop
From the strore
And then the same drops
Make the cloudy crops Then all end’s just an immigration
Of the same drop to other station’
It maybe that
The form’s little thin or fat !
And the time’s bit of a stir
A little here or there !
Maybe even the land
Where these newfangled clouds pour
Is different in its core !

But it’s the same cloud burst
Last, middling or first
And no cloud gives up its joy
Of trickling away from the sky
In monsoon’s glad strings
In wet rain’s wings.

Why then must I fear
Death or transmutation dear ?

I too shall die
And may be rekindle
In some sprout’s sigh
Or in soil humble

But the low earth too
Must the rain’s caresses obtain
Give herself up in pain
To give birth to a new strain

I start streaming out of myself
And shining lashes of thunder
Express my sense of wonder

Occasionally I sink downwards
Thro’ drops of words
And the soul in me pours
Swiftly like feathers

I ford over and span
Ends of the horizon
Traversing the whole course
With my heart’s force

Aren’t you like me
Another cloud free ?
And don’t you too pour
Drive yourself ashore?

Maybe at times
Raining is like meaningless rhymes
And so we other times perhaps
Mere anguished raps

Yet in fact …
You are yourself a monsoon
Cloaked in a swoon
Like a cloud upon the moon

And me …
A season of rain
Streaming out of wordy domain from an existence to an empty vein
The day I’m full drained
And not a drop in me sustained …
That day it shall scarce matter
What cloud was I ?
High born or low
… a prince or a beggar ?

For this joy of mine
Can never be plundered …
“I rained my all and surrendered.”


My dear
You keep pouring over
On some cloud of the earth or other
Or as often
Just stay barren …

But is it really thy Providence ?
For a pregnant cloud does issure
Only when it has a motherly hue

So are you a pregnant cloud ?
Not just hopes secured !
Nor those dodgings merely heard !

Oh my dear !
Just try and keep your steps with me
For I am teaching nothing
Oh yes, I’m teaching nothing

Because no on unto Nature
Takes up like a tutor or sir
And He alone who is formless
Sings to all an eternal solace

But we are ever so dumb
Trampling upon the divine crump for our souls too are untaught
With no seer in the clouds caught

We are all lusty morass
Clouds dense, laden with mass
And he labour to pour our lives
In this divine monsoon’s jives

All fools thus admiring passion
Seek forever the same salvation …
Come, let’s get away from mentions
Forgetting the bygone illusions …

Come with me …
Don’t stifle the rain in thee …

For it doesn’t matter for once
Even it the hailstorm comes
May the soul freezing icicles crumble
In death’s ghastly rumble
… Never mind that !

May be blooms and flower
Your pouring might spur
… It doesn’t matter !

Just come with me …
And pour like torrents for once …

Care not whether it’s love or gore
Pent up feelings or kindly store
Just pour, even things insane
For nothing’s new to Nature’s vein

Oh feel that you too are on old corn !
Only new chests to pride adorn !

Do you or rain’s origins care ?
Whether such-and-such drop
Is from oceanic vapur atop
Or same lake’s or river’s dollop ?

Then why do you for ends bother !
Hide from rain and skin’s shower !

Oh ! come with me …
I insist, because I’m nobody
just earthly mist …

Come, let’s soar high !
Becoming clouds thin and dry !
Let’s race with this windy fawn …
Respond to the outcry of this horizon …

Let’s get away somewhere ….
And drawn ourselves there …
To leaves nothing to mortal career

Oh come, let go …
Keep your step with me and go …

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कृत्रिम बुद्धीमत्तेच्या मर्यादा

     चीनच्या डीपसीकने अलीकडेच जगभर कसा हादरा दिला याचे वृत्त सर्वांनीच वाचले असेल. त्यावर चर्चाही केल्या असतील. भारतही आपने स्वत:चे ए....