Thursday, November 17, 2016

The riddle of the Shudra, the Rajanya and the Kshatriya!

The scholars have miserably been misled or it has been a deliberate act on their part that they have tried to portray ancient India through the Vedic glasses, without paying any heed at the stark open facts those are present, known and yet neglected. Even the inferences they have tried to derive from the Vedic texts are only to prove their age-old notions, no matter how they are wrong. This is why the picture of the ancient Indian society and Vedic society is distorted for they did not consider them separate, independent entities. It is clear from the available evidence that Shudra was a tribe, located in North-West India and other tribes or people too were present across the country, known by their various tribal or regional names, still, they surprisingly did mix all while explaining  the origin of the Shudras.

It also is agreed fact that the term Shudra nowhere appears in the Rig Veda except Purusha Sukta (RV 10.90) and that this hymn is a late interpolation in the Rig Veda. It never occurred to the scholars that why only Shudra tribe became part of a Vedic verse when there were many other tribes, too, those inhabited the vast regions of the country. They didn't bother to analyse the significance of the term Rajanya that is mentioned in the said Sukta in place of the Kshatriya and overlooked a fact that the Kshatriyas and Rajanyas are not the same but distinct entities.

When exactly did this interpolation took place is open to the speculations, but the fact is the hymn in question too went through many modifications/additions in course of the time. It is believed that the hymn gave divine sanction to the permanent four-fold social order to seed the inequality and injustice amongst Hindu society. 

The Sukta has two verses those describe how the four Varna were originated. It is as under-

ब्राह्मणोऽस्य मुखमासीद् बाहू राजन्यः कृतः 
ऊरू तदस्य यद्वैश्यः पद्भ्यां शूद्रो अजायत ॥१२

Here, we will just focus on the second highest class or rank that is named as “Rajanya”. This would mean that the Rajanya stood second in rank to the Brahmina. In the later Vedic literature the term Rajanya goes on gradually vanishing and being replaced with Kshatriya. It is assumed by all the scholars and tradition that the Rajanya and Kshatriya are interchangeable or that Rajanya and Kshatriya are the equivalent terms.

What are the facts?  Are really Rajanya and Kshatriya are the equivalent or the truth is otherwise?

Rajanya word has been used in the Rig Veda and Atharvaveda as a generic class of the warriors. The Aitareya Brahmana it is said that the Rajanya requests Kshatriya for a place at Devayajna (sacrifice for gods). There are rituals mentioned in the Brahmana literature where appears conflict between Rajanya’s and Kshatriya’s. Kaushitaki Upanishad differentiates the Kshatriyas and Rajanyas. Rig Veda mentions several times of Rajanyas and Kshatras and the terms are not interchangeable. Rajanya term is used for the kins of the kings, nobles and scions. Shatapath Brahmana too mentions Rajputra, Rajanya and Kshatraputra separately. From these instances, it would be clear that the Rajanya and Kshatriyas were different entities. In Avesta too, a contemporary book to Rig Veda, the word Kshatriya and Kshatra appears as  xšāyaθiya ("emperor") and xšaθra ("realm") The word Rajan too appears in the old Persian literature. (See Zamyad Yast 88-90) 

This would mean that the term Kshatra and Rajanya existed simultaneously in those contemporary (Vedic and Zoroastrian) societies. The word Rajan would mean the King (elected or otherwise) and Rajanya meant, accordingly different scholars, either kinsmen of the Rajan (King) or the ruling (even former ruling) families from whom Rajan would be appointed or chosen. In short, Rajanya is ruling power and Rajan is chosen from them to rule. In a tribal society, though social classification was loose, the class of the Rajanya was held equally important with priestly families or just lower to them. The mention of this term as a class in the Purushasukta would mean that the Rajanyas had emerged as a distinct social class by the time of its composition.

The term Kshatra appears in the Rig Veda about 9 times. The meaning of Kshatra means power. The power was based on the greater control over the Jana and its territory. It can be seen the relationship between Vish and Kshatriyas was not always cordial as Kshatriyas controlled the Vish (Vaishya). In short, the Kshatra were either feudal class or warrior class in general. 

It will appear from the Vedic literature that the Kshatriyas (or Kshatras) and Rajanyas were contemporaneous and formed two distinct classes in the Vedic society. There were rivalries too between these two classes. Rajanya would mean the kins of the ex or present kings those only could claim the thrown. Kshatriya was a class that would control the territories and would act as a middleman between Vish and the King for collecting the tributes. Rajanyas too possibly sometimes acted as Kshatriyas, but their status was higher as evidenced by Purushsukta itself. What most importantly we have to note here that the Rajanya and the Kshatriya were not one and the same. 

However, the main question remains and that is, why Purush Sukta does not mention at all the Kshatriya class? Instead, it mentions Rajanya. It would mean that the Rajanya was a larger and important society than of the Kshatriyas and being insignificant in number or  position, did not form a social class in the early Vedic society where Rig Veda was composed. 

However, we must note here that the Kshatriya varna has no divine sanction as it is not mentioned in the Purushsukta and equivalent literature. Considering Kshatriya second in the Vedic social order has been a gross mistake of the scholars. There is no explanation in the Vedic literature why Rajanyas were dropped and Kshatriyas were replaced in the so-called divine social order. 

Though, in later course usage of the Rajanya term seems gradually vanishing, still Aitareya Brahmin frequently uses it. (e.g. AB 1.5.2) This would mean that till the time of compositions of the early parts of the Brahmana literature the Rajanya class was well in existence and enjoying the social status that was granted them by the Rig Veda.
Now, the question arises that why Rajanya class disappeared from the Vedic society and for all ritualistic purpose and authority Kshatriyas were replaced when they did not have any divine sanction?

To understand this, we need to analyse the geographical shift of the Vedic people and the new societies they came across and their endeavour to adjust in the new social environmental circumstances while readjusting their religious rules without neglecting the local populace on whose mercy and cooperation their survival depended.

It is now well-established fact that the geography of the Rig Veda and the Avesta were in the close vicinity. This does prove that the Vedic society was originally established in the Afghanistan (most probably southern part). The memory that Shatapath Brahmana preserves goes like this :

“Videgh Mathava, residing on the banks of the Saraswati river, accompanied by his family priest Goutama Rahugana and Agni, symbol of Vedic culture, marched onwards. Through crossing the northern mountains (Uttaragiri), drying the rivers and burning the forests, he reached the Sadanira river. The legend tells that when Videgh Mathava asked Agni, where he should make his abode, the Agni told him to reside to the east of the river.” (SB 1.4.1, 14-17)

The myth, preserved by Brahmana, clearly indicates that from the banks of Saraswati, a group of the Vedic people had marched towards a river to find refuge. The group marched through the northern mountains, those could only be Hindukush and rivers flowing through that region, to reach the uninhabited place to settle.

Modern scholars normally try to equate this river with Gandaki that flows from Nepal through India, finally feeding Ganga. However, from the Mahabharata’s accounts on this river, it could not be Gandaki but some other river flowing through Gandaki and Sarayu. Amarasinha of Amara Kosha asserts Sadanira to be a synonym of Karatoya River, flowing through the north of Bengal. Anyway, Sadanira means ‘abounding in water’, which can be applied to any river that is full of abundant water. The myth also indicates that the area across the river was swampy and inhabitable.

Thus, the theory of the invasionist scholars of those times from this myth had considered Aryan expansion from west to the east, occupying the lands and regions towards Gandaki River of Bihar (or Bengal), is not tenable. The river Sarasvati mentioned here should not be confused with a mythical Sarasvati river, but it was the river of the same name still flowing in southern Afghanistan. Had it been a victorious march, as some scholars suggest, towards Sadanira that located in Gangetic region, they needed not to reside in the inhabitable area because those regions were already populated as it is evidenced by the Archaeological findings. 

Videgh Mathava and his companions might have deserted their original homeland to find new habitat because of the constant struggles with Zoroastrian religion or there might be the political reasons. We get many instances of such struggles in the Vedic literature, recorded in the form of the myths, where Vedics were defeated many a times. Videgh Mathava and his companions abandoned their original habitat and crossing Hindukush entered north-eastern parts of the India to find a place to seek the refuge. They found such place near a river to which they named Sadanira and on its banks, in marshy and swampy region, they made their first settlement. This must have been the north-west part, Sindh, of India as is evidenced by supportive proofs.

Here we get many historical as well as mythological proofs that the tribe Shudra was also located at north-western part of India. Alexanders historian Diodoros, who accompanied Alexander in his expedition to India,  notes of a tribe named “Sodrai” (Greek corrupt form of the Shudra) which resided in Sindh region. Alexander seems to have built a city naming after himself, Alexandria, on the banks of a river. (The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great-As described by Arrian, Q Curtis, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin, edited by J. W. Mcrindle, page 354) Ram Saran Sharma confirms that “There is no doubt that Sudra existed as a tribe in the fourth century BC.” (Sudras in Ancient India: A Social History of the Lower Order Down to Circa A.D. 600 by RS Sharma).

Mahabharata records that a Shudra tribe along with Abhira tribe from north-west participated the great war. (Mahabharata 6-10.65) Also, the same Shudra tribe finds independent mention in a list of peoples conquered by Nakula during his victorious march before the coronation of Yudhisthira. Gian Chand Chauhan states, “The plethora of references to the term Sudras along with the Abhiras show that the Sudras was an old tribe flourishing at the time of the Great War in the Sapta-Sindhava region.” (Some Aspects of Early Indian Society, by Gian Chand Chauhan, page 54) 

Now it should be clear that the Shudra was a tribe. It was located in the north-west regions of the country and their immediate neighbours and alleys were Abhiras. Also, it should make clear that the Shudra was never a class but a tribe that dwelt in India along with several tribes like Surasenas, Sibis, Nishads, Panchals, Kurus and so on. 

The Shudra tribe, being inhabited in north-west part of India,  in Sindh region, in all probabilities, these were the people Vedics came across first on friendly terms and decided to live within their territory. 

We know from the Rig Veda that the Vedic people’s known geography was limited. Earlier they were aware of the major river Indus and few western tributaries, but their knowledge of the vast regions and the people beyond Indus was limited and was of the hearsay sort. It seems that, when they entered Indus region, they came across the region they decided to settle was within the territory occupied by the Shudras, completely unknown to them before, hence, the term Shudra appears nowhere in rest of the Rig Veda. 

How Shudras accommodated the Vedics in their territory is a matter of speculation. However, the refugees could not have afforded to be hostile with the hosting countrymen. The number of the Vedics those found refuge here could not be much in number. Had they waged war and acquired their territory they needed not to reside in the marshy and swampy land. There is no mention of any war between Shudras and Vedics in any of the Vedic literature, so, the Shudras might have accommodated them without any hassle. 

Here, let us conclude that the handful of the Vedics came to India and found refuge in the territories of the Shudra tribe. Looking at their limited knowledge of the geography, in sheer ignorance, they addressed all those beyond the region of Shudras with the same term though later they later came to know of many tribes or jana those were located elsewhere as well with independent identities. (Hindustan name too emerged from the River name Sindhu, as foreigners initially didn’t know the lands beyond that river. The name given to the limited geographical area became name of the entire subcontinent.) 

Here, we come to the solution of our main issue as to why the term Rajanya instead of Kshatriya and why Shudra came to be an important part of the society. The process can be shown as follows. 

1.     Being small in number, residing in a separate village or two, a settlement, where they lived on the mercy or friendship of the Shudras those resided around in their independent settlements.

2.     Whatever portions of the Rig Veda and other literature they had brought with them were rearranged, classified and then the later additions started in the same land. 

3.     Purushasukta clearly indicates, from its language and mention of the seasons, that this composition was made when they had set foot in India, as Max Muller suggests, it is entirely modern in its character and diction. (‘A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature’, by F. Max Muller, Pub.: Williams and Norgate, , 1859, p. 557)

4.     In the Purushsukta, Rajanya appears in the second rank because in all probabilities, besides priests, Rajanyas were larger in the number those had joined this expedition. The Kshatras were completely absent or very meagre in number, hence there was no need to assign them any position in the social order.

5.     Vedics gave Shudras the fourth place, not to demean them, but to make a cosmic social order without whose mention it would be incomplete, though they knew very well that these people are different, racially as well as by religious faith. Also, they didn;t know other people (tribes) for lack of their limited contact and were completely at mercy of the Shudra tribal people. 

Purushasukta indicates that though the Shudras are mentioned as a part of the cosmic society, they were not at all the part of the Vedic society. This is evident from the verse 

ब्राह्मणोऽस्य मुखमासीद् बाहू राजन्यः कृतः
ऊरू तदस्य यद्वैश्यः पद्भ्यां शूद्रो अजायत 

 where it has made very clear that “The Brahmana was his [God’s] mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya made. His thighs became the Vaishya, from his feet the Shudra was produced.” The feet didn’t become the Shudra, because the composer of the hymn knew very well that the Shudras were not part of the Vedic community, though an important society. The distinction was very clear to them and skillfully composed the verse.  

6.     The Yajurveda declares that “शूद्रार्यावसृज्येताम”  (Shudra and Arya were created.) [Yajurveda 14/30] Here also there is clear distinction between Arya (Vedic) and Shudra. Here we do not find any contemptuous view about the Shudras. The only probable reason is at the time of composing these hymns too, Vedics were on good terms with the entire Shudra tribe.

7.     In fact, it does not appear that the purpose of the Purushasukta was to make permanent stratification of the social order. Even the term “varna” does not appear in this hymn. The hymn just meant to show how a society came to an existence without assigning a rank to any. It is a fact that the same verse was used to stratify the Vedic social order in later times but originally it was not intended. Had it been the case the Vedics wouldn't have mentioned Shudras at all because they were not part of the Vedic society. In fact, they were foreigners to them. 

8.     The Vedics, for they were few in number, must have in need of the servants and maids to assist them in farming, cattle tending and household work. They naturally had to hire such people in need from the surrounding Shudra community. From Vedic literature, it appears, the Vedics in India too preferred to delve in the villages. They avoided cities. The menial force they hired too must have been living in the separate settlements, besides the Vedic Villages, as was the old practice in India. 

9.     Manusmruti, as mentioned in the last chapters, mentions of the Shudra kings and their domains. Aitareya Brahmana mentions of the Shudra kings those ruled beyond Vindhya mountain. (AB 7.13-18) They termed other people also Shudra for their lack of knowledge of the lands and people of the country in the early times. However, Mahabharata mentions of the Shudra tribe together with Abhiras and also the numerous tribes those dwelt in the country. This would mean that by the time of early Manusmriti, the Vedics considered all other tribes as Shudras. By the time of Mahabharata, Vedics could make a distinction between other tribal or jana names and Shudra tribe.

10.                         During this vast span of the time, the term Rajanya was gradually dropped because the original Rajanyas those had walked with the entrants lost their entity and purpose in the course of the time. The Kshatriya emerged as the second ranking class, though it had no Vedic sanction. The Kshatriyas, it clearly seems, were converts to the Vedic faith or it became an epithet to address warriors of the local populace in later times. To them, Vedics did not assign the Rajanya rank. They kept it deliberately vacant as the ruling class here belonged to the different faiths and customs. It is quite possible that some Kings of those times could have converted to the Vedic faith and were happy with the assigned title.

11.                        From Shudra’s tribal kingdom, Vedic spread to promote their religion, gained royal patronage of the Kurus and Panchals to begin with and converted some to their fold. (See “The Rigveda, trans. By Griffith, preface.) The first recension of the Manusmriti seems to have been composed in Kuru-Panchal region to which they named “Aryavarta”.  By this time, rajanya had lost all the significance and Kshatriya became a synonym of valour and the authority.

12.                        The Vedics, till Brahmana era, and new recruits to the Brahmin fold, continued with the same lifestyle, they preferred villages and took services from the poor folks of the surrounding regions. They, it clearly seems, habitually continued the practice of calling them Shudra. 

13.                         By this time, with the addition of the new recruits, the number of the Vedics and their needs had grown. To meet them they naturally required more serving staff, which was met with the gifts of the slaves or hired workmen. They resided in the Vedic villages, though in independent colonies.    

14.                        As Vi. Ka. Rajvade (Preface, Radhamadhavavilasachampu) states, because of the close contacts with the menial class, the cross illicit relations too started creating social problems in the Vedic order. In the beginning, they accommodated the offsprings in their fold, assigned them some castes, but later on, it was prohibited for it created the chaotic condition in Vedic society. They started enforcing many restrictions on them in an order to maintain the purity of their religion and social order. However, they failed in such attempts. 

15.                        Smritis are evident of this fact that all the restrictions, those sound humiliating and cruel sometimes, were meant for the class that was employed (or the people gifted by the patrons) in their service. Except in Sindh region, there never was any other Shudra tribe. Though Vedic habitually addressed their servants as Shudras, it wasn’t and couldn’t be the case. People from other tribes too must have joined their services or people from any tribe could have been gifted to them by the patrons, to all for sake of the convenience, collectively, they called Shudras. The fact was always otherwise and is evident from the Vedic scriptures too! 

16.                        The Vedics assigned Kshatriya and the Vaishya status to those who were indigenous warriors or trading/farming people, who had officially entered in their fold. Those all, who had not embraced Vedic faith, were Shudras in their eyes. By this time it seems Shudra had become a derogatory term to them to use against those all who despised or avoided their religion. We can understand how this could have happened. The Shudras (their working class that included people from many tribes) daily association had caused tremendous harm to their social structure and hence had became despicable and yet unavoidable!

17.                          It seems from the Manusmriti, some Vedics conducted sacrifices for the Shudras (non-vedic tribes/janas) and received the fees. Such Vedics were too were avoided by the Vedics who thought they were loyal to the tradition. Calling such host who performed sacrifice for his benefit too, was despised with addressing him with the term Shudra. 

18.                        The so-called Shudras, though not belonging to the Shudra tribe at all, enjoyed their titles and traditional ways of the life with the faiths they had nourished from ages. It were Vedics who termed all those who were non-Vedics, hostile to the Vedic religion as Shudras. They offered their respects to only those who were sympathetic towards their religion but had not embraced their faith. Stories enumerated by Mahabharata of Vena, Nahusha etc. tells us the fact that they were not ready to accept Vedic faith and hence were killed by the Vedic Brahmins. These may be fabricated stories, created in an order to establish their superiority, but they suggest their hostilities towards the kings too, who did not accept or patronised their religion. To even Gautam Buddha, Vedic tradition calls “Vratya Kshatriya”, a kshatriya who has not undergone any Vedic ritualistic custom. 

19.                        The term Kshatriya was offered to only those, who either had become Vedic or patronised their religion. This way, we can find neither Solar nor Lunar race was Kshatriya in origin. Either the title Kshatriya was used for them suo- motto, to please them or to those who had converted to their religion. Whatsoever the case may be, we find several stories of Kshatriya-Brahmina rivalries because, the new recruits to that fold, especially kings, desired upper hand in the socio-religious order. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishada goes to the extent by declaring the Kshatriya born first and hence superior over Brahmin. It declares that the Brahmina should take lower seat in the Rajasuya sacrifice. (BU 1.4) 

From above, it will be clear that how Rajanya finds place in the Purushsukta because then there didn’t exist any Kshatriya in early Vedic community which travelled to India. They had rajanyas and a Rajan (in form of the Videgh Mathav), hence rajanya became a part of the divine body. They made the Shudras a part of the social order but not considered them as the part of the Vedic order, because they were not Vedics, but the Vedics depended on their mercy and assistance they tendered for their survival. It is very much possible that the Vedics lived in the Shudra kingdom for 4-5 generations to reorganize themselves before they marched out in the eastern regions to spread their faith. 

They applied the term Kshatriya, a rare term used in Rig Veda, to the new converts (or patrons) hailing from the royal families and warriors  and glorified the term so much so that even today Indian populace is crazy about it, though the term was unimportant to the early Vedics for the term had no place in the divine order that was proclaimed by much-hyped Rig Veda. 

As we have seen, it should not be forgotten that the term Kshatriya is not equivalent to Rajanya at all. Both were distinct classes in the original Vedic society when located at their original homeland. The Shudra were never meant as varna in the Purusha Sukta because it was mere a tribe among which the Vedics had to live. Hence, the term Shudra should be dropped while writing social history of India. Mixing the term with other tribal or jana identities will not yield any satisfactory analysis. The journey of the Vedic religion to India has to be closely analysed to know the facts, which was avoided or neglected by the earlier scholars. Unless the entry of the Vedicism in India and its methodological spread is understood, the riddles of our present social structure, which is largely based on the self-nourished myths and sheer misunderstandings, cannot be solved. We shall discuss in the next chapter why the Kshatriya (and Vaishya) class came to be eliminated in the later course of the time.   


  1. N there are few castes eg CKPs of Maharashtra that claim Rajanya kshatriya status..Sir Can you through some light on that ?

  2. What Mutiny ?

    The Hindoos had no chance !

    Who were the Hindoo warriors ? The Kshatriyas ! dindooohindoo !

    Kshatriyas - As per the Mahabharata, Kshatriyas were born, when Kshatriya women (on heat) “were raped by Brahmins”, w/o marriage and hence, were “born as a bastard race” with the “zero IQ and potency of Brahmins” and the “cowardice, treachery and chicanery of the Brahmins”

    SECTION LXIV – Mahbharata - Adivansavatarana Parva

    The son of Jamadagni (Parasurama), after twenty-one times making the earth bereft of Kshatriyas wended to that best of mountains Mahendra and there began his ascetic penances.

    And at that time when the earth was bereft of Kshatriyas, the Kshatriya ladies, “desirous of offspring”, used to come, O monarch, to the Brahmanas and Brahmanas of rigid vows had connection with them during the womanly season alone, but never, O king, lustfully and out of season.

    And Kshatriya ladies by “thousands conceived from such connection” with Brahmanas.


    The Hindoo Bindoo claim that Jats are born from the "Jata of Shankar"

    Jats are proven to be of "Central Asian/Scythian Origin", and were "basically pirates,bandits and mercenaries".

    Their only claim to fame is the "sacking of the TajMahal", which they looted and pillaged, and made their own Jai Mahal, and their "digging up and defiling" of the "grave and bones", of Akbar (by dragging the bones out)


    "The word "Rajput" is used in certain parts of Rajasthan to denote the illegitimate sons of a Kshatriya chief or Jagirdar." [Mahajan Vidya Dhar,"Ancient India", Fifth Edition, Reprint 1972, Chand and Co., New Delhi. p. 550 ff.])

    This explains Rajput history - QED !


    A race pillaged the Dindoo Brahmins and Dogra rat Rajputs, who had their Gurus killed due to Dindoo Hindoos and whose Golden Temple was under the Control of Brahmins with Hindoo Idols in it (till around early 1900s).Their Constantine - Ranjit achieved his victory only due to the American and French Generals - running his artillery and cavalry !

    After the death of Ranjit Singh his wife and sons were killed by the Dogra Rats


    As per the Gita, Lord Krishna considered Yadav's to be "a curse on the planet and tried to exterminate all the Yadavs”

    When Krsna had killed the demons, and thus relieved the burden of the earth, he thought, 'The earth is stilloverburdened by the unbearably burdensome race of the Yadus. No one else can overcome them, since theyare under my protection.' ... Deluded by Krsna's power of delusion, and cursed by the Brahmins, they were all destroyed, and when his entire family had been destroyed, Krsna said, 'The burden has been removed.' " -- Srimad Bhagavatam 10:90:27-44; 11:1:1-4; 11:30:1-25

    As per the Mahabharata, after Krishna was killed, “his wives were raped and molested by Robbers”, and the “offspring so born”, were called Yadavs

    Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva: Section 7

    The concourse was very large. The robbers assailed it at different points. Arjuna tried his best to protect it, “but could not succeed”. In the very sight of all the warriors, many “foremost of ladies were dragged away, while others went away with the robbers of their own accord” .

    Those Mlecchas, however, O Janamejaya, in the very sight of Partha, retreated,"taking away” with them, many “foremost ladies” of the Vrishnis and Andhakas

    This explains Yadav history - QED !

    Konkani Goan Limpets

    Enslaved as rats to the Kadambas,Tughlaq,Khilji,Abyssinians, Portugese for 1700 hours ! Sample the Goan Pandoo Chor Matka Police ! A pepper spray used by an Israeli was enough to con these limpet impotent pandoo clowns !

  3. The Hindoo Mutiny had no chance ! In their history - they had no warrior race - ever !

    There was a Hindoo coward called - Arjuna ! dindooohindoo !

    Arjuna the rat could not save Krishna's wives from being raped

    Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva: Section 7

    In the very sight of all the warriors, many “foremost of ladies were dragged away, while others went away with the robbers of their own accord” .

    Arjuna the rat could not save Krishna's wives from being raped

    Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva: Section 7

    Those Mlecchas, however, O Janamejaya, in the very sight of Partha, retreated, "taking away” with them, many “foremost ladies” of the Vrishnis and Andhakas

    People ask - how did 500 Pakistanis enter into Kargil ?

    What were the Hindoo Kshatriyas doing ?

    It is simple ! They are a race of rats and cowards !

    They are the sons of Arjuna the coward rat eunuch !

    Arjuna - was "cursed by Urvashi ",to be an "impotent and a eunuch"

    The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Indralokagamana Parva: Section XLVI

    O Partha, thou shalt have to pass thy time among females unregarded, and as a dancer, and "destitute of manhood and scorned as a eunuch

  4. The Truth of Shivaji ! dindooohindoo

    This firm and constant well-wisher Shivaji, after rendering thanks for the grace of God and the favours of the Emperor, -
    which are clearer than the Sun, -begs you to inform your Majesty that, although this well-wisher was led by his adverse
    Fate to come away from your august Presence without taking leave, yet he is ever ready to perform, to the fullest extent
    possible and proper, everything that duty as a servant and gratitude demand of him

    May the Sun on your royalty continue to shine above the horizon of greatness!








    Bhaskar Kulkari and Gokil Pant





  5. As per Shivaji's words spoken to the daughter of the Subedar of Kalyan - which are a commentary on Jijabai and his Alter Daddy - Dadoji Konddev . dindooohindoo

    Asheech aamuchi aai aasti, sundar roopavati

    aamihi sundar jhalo asto, vadhale Chattrapati

    Had my mother been so beautiful

    I too would have been a handsome man!

    Shivaji was a complexed man haunted by his lack of beauty and his Dalit Origins and hence, the desire to prove himself worthy of standards - which were neither in his ken or his DNA

    In addition, Shivaji was a bandit !

    The Maoists plunder Banias and Marwaris ! What is wrong with it ? Shivaji did the same !

    Plunder of Daulatpura, Khusraupura, Zuhrapura and kidnapping banias

    “The Marathas were detected in trying to smuggle arms and men into the fort, by concealing the arms in sacks of grain and disguising themselves as drivers of the pack-oxen! Then Shiva threw off the mask. He began to plunder and devastate Adil-Shahi territory again. His men looted the suburbs of Bijapur, Daulatpura (=Khawaspura), Khusraupura and Zuhrapura, and carried off the rich banias for ransom.” Shivaji and His Times, Ch XIII, p.363, by Jadunath
    Sarkar, Second Edition, Longmans, Geen and Co, 1920

    This is the Truth !

  6. What is the Genesis of the Hate of the Dalits by the Kshatriyas ?

    K_Shit_R_iyas.htm It encompasses the following : The Genes of the Kshatriya Cowards as per History ! The Genes of the Kshatriya Cowards as per Theology ! And then the Psychology !

    The Kshatriyas are the offspring of the INDIAN WOMEN who were raped,pillaged and killed by the Mughals,Turks,Huns.White Huns,Persians,Patthinians, Greeks,Mongols, Chinese, Mughals,Afghans,
    and the Abyssinians.The trash so born was discarded by the Huns etc. and left to rot in India

    The British and Mughals knew all about the DNA of these rats,as they read history, and so they easily co-opted these K Shit Riyas to join their military and terrorise the population of Dindooosthan.

    The K-Shit-Riyas never cared for the Dalits and Dasyus – they thrived by instilling fear and exercising domination, to gloss over their pathetic history epitomised as kayar,namard,nipunsaks – and so,they were glad to serve the Mughals and the British – who
    whitewashed ther history,, violated their women and cooked up stories about their martial valour Of course, the Brahmins used these K-Shit-Riyas to kill and exterminate the Buddhists,
    as also,to pit Vaishnavites and Saivites against each other

    For that, they concocted bull shit lies – such as Agni Kula and Suryavanshi and Chandravanshi Rajputs. All lies to gloss over the fact that they were sons of whores and rats and cowards, with the impotent DNA of a Brahmim

    Then we come to the Mahabharata – which states that Kshatriyas were cowards,bastards and sons of harlots

    SECTION LXIV – Mahbharata– Adivansavatarana Parva ·

    The son of Jamadagni (Parasurama), after twenty-one times making the earth bereft of Kshatriyas wended to that best of mountains Mahendra and there began his ascetic penances. And at that time when the earth was bereft of Kshatriyas, the Kshatriya ladies, “desirous of offspring”, used to come, O monarch, to the Brahmanas and Brahmanas of rigid vows had connection with them during the
    womanly season alone, but never, O king, lustfully and out of season. And Kshatriya ladies by “thousands conceived from such connection” with Brahmanas

    Is it a wonder that the "RigVeda and the Bhavishya Puran", say that the land of the Dindoo Hindoo Bindoo,"will be ruled by Mlechas" (Muslims)

    ? “Corruption and violence will be the widespread in the seven sacred cities" (Kashi etc.), because they will be inhabited by Dasyu, Shabara, Bhilla and "other foolish people".
    ? In the land of Mlecchas, the "followers of Mleccha religion", will be "wise and brave people".
    ? All "good qualities will be found in Mlecchas" and all "sorts of vices" will "accumulate in the Aryas".
    ? Bharata and its islands will be "ruled by Mlecchas".
    ? Having known these facts, O Muni, glorify the name of your Lord.(Bhavishya Puran Prati Sarg Parv)


  7. The Plight of the Hindooo cowards and strategists !

    Y did Laxman fail to rescue Seeta ?

    The Hindoo Limpdick Laxman had never seen Seeta's face !

    This is the plight of the Hindoo Martial impotentica race ! dindooohindoo

    Lakshmana respectfully said, 'I can only identify the anklets worn by mother Sita as I used to worship her feet every day.
    I cannot identify the bangles or necklace worn by her as I have never looked up at her face.' " Sai Baba. SS. 8/97. p. 204

  8. Dindooosthan - The "Curse of the Kingdom" of "King Ikshvaku" (bitter Cucumber) dindooohindoo

    The "Entire Dubious history" of the "Dindoo Hindooo Bindoo,Jains and the Booodheests starts "with this impotent deviant "King Ikshvaku"(literally means "bitter cucumber) who was the "Son of Manu".dindooohindoo

    The Limpet was based "where else, but in Awadh",along the banks of river Sarayu with Saketa, which is Ayodhya today, as their capital.(Sounds Familiar!)

    This is the "Dubious Suryavansa (the Solar dynasty)", which "bred the following vermin" :

    Lord "Limpdick Rama"
    The "Entire Sakya Dynasty" (including Boodha!)
    "22 out of the 24 clown" Jain Teerthankars
    Execution of "Manusmriti"

    The Limpet King "had 4 sons" whom he "sent to exile", and who "copulated with and married their own sisters", to produce the "Divine Sakya Dynasty" !

    The reason Y the vermin king "kicked out his 4 sons" - is just like the "story of Gay Pansy Rama" !

    As per "Ambattha-sutta of the Theravada Digha-Nikaya" (Long Discourses)

    “Out of fear of the mixing of castes "they cohabited (sa—vasa) together with their own sisters"
    Hence,Boodha,Jain Teerthankars and the Dindo Bindoo Hindoo Limpdick Rama are "born from the seeds of incest" !

    Wonderbar !

    Y has Dindooism,Jainism and Boodheesm "been doomed in Dindoosthan" and Y was it "raped and pillaged" by the Huns, Mughals, Mongols, Turks, Chinese ?

    All in the History !

  9. The Circus Show of the Pied Piper of Chai-Land is in Thai-Land !

    Who are the rodents that dance to his tune ? But,Of course,the Dindooohindoo,Indian Quasi Muslims and Indian Sikhs-Nassara etc.

    Allow me the present the Gospel of the Pied Piper of Chai-Land !

    Gospel No.1

    When India prospers, the world prospers.

    The GDP of Hindoosthan is 3% of Global GDP and the Chaiwala is snorting smoked cow dung !

    This is Vedic maths - which explains why Rama used an army of apes to make a bridge to Lanka (which took 12 years)

    Gospel No.2

    When my government took over in 2014, India’s GDP was about 2 trillion dollars. In 65 years, 2 trillion. But in just 5 years, we increased it to nearly 3 trillion dollars, he said.

    This is the Rs 15 lacs "Cow Piss Churan" - which never came into anyone's account.

    The man is an inveterate liar and an illiterate ! He says that India took 65 years to reach 2 Trillon ? Wrong ! It was 5000 years !

    And then,the Chaiwala increased it by 1 Trillion,in 5 years ! (He forgot that he was referring to the Nominal GDP at Current Prices - after the Chaiwala changed the GDP computational thesis)

    At constant prices and at FX rates of respective years - GDP was up from 1.08 trillion to 1.2 trillion.

    And the Chaiwala got a standing ovation !

    After exporting Gau Mutram - now the Chaiwala wants to export Gau Milk - as it contains GOLD !

    And there is another Hindoo rodent in Goa who speaks to plants in Vedic Hymns to improve farm yield !

    Nuke them out !

    The Hindoo is a burden on this earth !

    Chaiwala did his Dandy Howdy Dandiya in USA - there were 2 mass shootings in USA in 10 days and the Ukraine bomb blew up for Trump !

    What evil will strike Thailand ?

  10. The Parashooran Paradox

    What is the "Paradox of Parshooram" ? The man copulated wuth his mother,on the instructions of his father - who was an impotentica sage.The Hindoo Model,is that the Gods sent the husband of Brahmin wives,to jungles for penance and austerities - while the Hindoo Gods, seduced the wives of the Brahmins,and mated with them.

    The father of Parshooram,did not want to mate iwth his wife,as he was on a celibacy trip.Hence his son banged mommy - but the Kshatriyas saw the kid.To hide the shame and guilt - the son and poppy,blamed the Kshatriyas - and theh killed all the Kshatriyas ! In Hindooism,incest is normal - even Gan-pati mated with his mother.

    This is all a "copy and paste",from Greek Theology and Creativity.dindooohindoo

    Net result - all the Kshatriya men were dead, and their women were on heat - and so,they copulated with the Brahmins,to breed a "new race" of Kshatriyas.These "mew" breed had the DNA of the Brahmins (cowards,weasels and impotenticas) and the DNA of their mothers (which is "whoring") - the "born agains" Kshatriyas.

    The Disaster

    When the Sakas,Scythians,Turks,Afghans,Mongols,Central Asians,Greeks,Persians, Abyssinians etc., attacked Hindoosthan - there was no martial race left,as the "real" so called Kshatriyas were killed.These Kshatriya cowards,joined hands with Babar and the Brits and the Portugese to kill and rape Hindoos.These "rat" Kshatriyas were called Rakpoots,Jats and Sikhs etc.

    The DNA of these "born again" Kshatriyas (as stated above),explains Y the Hindoos were raped again and again and again and again (The DNA of Poppy - The Brahmin - and so were,their women.This also explains Y the Rajpoots sold their women,like whores,to the Mughals and the Brits - to save their lives and money (The DNA of their 1st mommy).

    This also explains Y the Sakas,Scythians,Turks,Afghans,Mongols, Greeks,Persians, Abyssinians etc.,who stayed back in Hindoosthan,and married locals - also produced cowards,weasels,idiots and impotenticas.

    The Curse

    It is all the curse of Parshooram - the Curse of Incest and the Curse of Hindooism. Just like the curse of Ishvaku - whose own kids from the same mommy married each other - and then lineaged into Rama,the coward and impotentica.

    Rama - captures the disaster the doom of the Hindoo race,and the Hindoo DNA - which is Y the Hindoo Muslims and Nassara,are treated as trash,all over the world - with real Muslims and Jesuits.

  11. What are these Bania vermin - people say ?

    let us take the sample of the Marwari - Gupta Bania scum ! dindooohindoo

    Now,these Gupta Bania vermin claim lineage from the Gupta Meshtan Bhandar Dynasty.

    Like I said - these vermin,have doomed Indian Banking,Indian Industry and Indian Agriculture.And so
    I belive that these vermin should be culled - whether by the Maoists or the Mujahids.

    What is the DNA if these Gupta vermin - a race of limpets,limpdicks,cowards,weasels,with mongrel skin and mongrel facial
    tones ?

    Let us look at History - the son of Gupta Meeshtan Bhandar,Samudra Gupta - whose name was Rama Gupta.Note
    the name "Rana",who, as per the Valmiki Ramayana, was an impotent coward,who pimped his wife Seeta,to apes,demons and his own brothers.

    Chapter [Sarga] 115 of the Yuddha Kandam

    तद्गच्छ त्वानुजानेऽद्य यथेष्टं जनकात्मजे |
    एता दश दिशो भद्रे कार्यमस्ति न मे त्वया || ६-११५-१८

    “O Seetha! That is why, I am permitting you now. Go wherever you like. All these ten directions are open to you, my dear lady! There is no work to be done to me, by you.”

    तदद्य व्याहृतं भद्रे मयैतत् कृतबुद्धिना |
    लक्ष्मणे वाथ भरते कुरु बुद्धिं यथासुखम् || ६-११५-२२

    “O gracious lady! Therefore, this has been spoken by me today, with a resolved mind. Set you mind on Lakshmana or Bharata, as per your ease.”

    įatrughne vätha sugréve räkņase vä vibhéņaëe |
    niveįaya manaų séte yathä vä sukhamätmanaų || 6-115-23

    “O Seetha! Otherwise, set your mind either on Shatrughna or on Sugreeva or on Vibhishana the demon; or according to your own comfort.”

    What did this rat Rama Gupta do ? The limpet banis went to war,with the Sakas - and they trapped him,and captured the limpet.
    Then what did the bania do ? The Sakas asked for the bania's wife,as security - and the bania,sent his wife,to the Sakas (just like
    Lord Rama,told Sita,to whore herself).

    Then the historians make us believe,that the brother of the bania,went dressed as the wife of Ramagupta, went to the Sakas,and rescued
    the whore wife of Ramagupta, and killed the Saka king !? (just like the story of Chammiya Padmini).It is possible that the Mughals asked
    for sex with Chammiya Padmini - based on the past hindu track record,w.r.t Ramagupta.

    And then what could be the next step ?

    Then the brother of the limpet Ramagupta,killed Ramagupta and married the wife of Ramagupta ! It is said that the whore wife,of Ramagupta,
    was earlier,meant to marry the other brother !

    This is the DNA of the bania Gupta Meeshtan Bhandars and other bania vermin.

    What should be done with these vermin ?



    Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties
    Chapter [Sarga] 20

    षष्टिर्वर्षसहस्राणि जातस्य मम कौशिक || १-२०-१०
    कृच्छ्रेणोत्पादितश्चायं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि |

    10b, 11a. koushika = oh Vishvamitra; jaatasya mama = birthed, for me [from my birth]; SaSTiH varSasahasraaNi = sixty thousand years [passed] ; ayam = this one [Rama]; kR^icChreNa = with tribulations; utpaaditaH cha = is produced given birth, also; raamam netum na arhasi = unapt of you to take Rama with you.

    "Sixty thousand years have passed from my birth, oh! Vishvamitra, and this Rama is engendered at this age, that too with tribulations, hence taking Rama with you will be inappropriate of you. [1-20-10b, 11a]


    Book I : Bala Kanda - The Youthful Majesties
    Chapter [Sarga] 16

    ततस्तु ताः प्राश्य तदुत्तमस्त्रियो
    महीपतेरुत्तमपायसं पृथक् |
    चिरेण गर्भान् प्रतिपेदिरे तदा || १-१६-३१

    31. mahiipateH tataH uttamastriyaH = those best ladies of king; tat uttamapaayasam = that, best dessert; praashya = on consuming; hutaashanaadityasamaanatejasaH = equalling Fire and Sun in resplendence [queens]; achireNa tadaa garbhaan pratipedire = then very soon they got - conceived.

    Then on consuming dessert those best ladies of the king whose resplendence then vied with that Fire and Sun became pregnant after some time. [1-16-31]



    Book III : Aranya Kanda - The Forest Trek
    Chapter [Sarga] 49

    राज्यात् च्युतम् असिद्ध अर्थम् रामम् परिमित आयुषम् || ३-४९-१३
    कैः गुणैः अनुरक्ता असि मूढे पण्डित मानिनि |
    यः स्त्रिया वचनात् राज्यम् विहाय ससुहृत् जनम् || ३-४९-१४
    अस्मिन् व्याल अनुचरिते वने वसति दुर्मतिः |

    13b, 14, 15a. muuDhe = oh, unintelligent lady; paNDita maanini = highly intelligent, deem your self; dur matiH = bad, minded [mindless Rama]; yaH striyaa vacanaat = who, by a woman's, word; sa = along with; su hR^it janam = good, hearted, people; raajyam vihaaya = kingdom, on leaving off; vyaala anucarite = predators, moving in [on prowl]; asmin vane vasati = in this, in forest, he who lives - Rama; such a; raajyaat cyutam = from kingdom, fallen [spurned off]; a siddha artham = not, gainful, his purposes; [maanuSaH = being human]; parimita aayuSam = he is with - limited, longevity - short-lived human being; raamam = at Rama; kaiH guNaiH anuraktaa asi = by what, merits [of Rama,] impassioned [for him,] you are.

    "Oh, halfwitted lady, you who deem yourself a highly intellectual lady, listen, that mindless Rama who just by a word of a woman forebode kingdom along with all of his amiable people, and lives in this forest where the predators are on the prowl, thus he who is spurned off from kingdom, ungainful are his purposes, and who is even a short-lived human, I wonder by what merits you are impassioned for such a Rama?" Thus Ravana spoke to Seetha. [3-49-13b, 14, 15a]


    Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War
    Chapter [Sarga] 48

    स्तनौ च अविरलौ पीनौ मम इमौ मग्न चूचुकौ |
    मग्ना च उत्सन्गिनी नाभिह् पार्श्व उरस्कम् च मे चितम् || ६-४८-११

    11. maamakau = my; stanau = breasts; aviralau = are close to each other; piinau = fully developed; magna chuuchukau = and have depressed nipples; naabhiH = my navel; magnaa = is deeply; utsedhinii = indented; me = my; paarshvoraskamcha = flanks and bossom; chitam = are well-formed.

    "My breasts are close to each other, fully developed and have depressed nipples. My navel is deeply idented. My flanks and bossom are well-formed."




    Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaaran - Pannaa 33

    ਦੁਹ ਵਿਚਿ ਦੁਖੀ ਦੁਬਾਜਰੇ ਖਰਬੜ ਹੋਏ ਖੁਦੀ ਖੁਆਰਾ।

    Out of these two, the mongrels-apparently sadhus but internally thieves--are always in wavering state and, suffering for their ego, go astray.

    ਵਾਰਾਂ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਦਾਸ : ਵਾਰ ੩੩ ਪਉੜੀ ੧ ਪੰ. ੨

    ਦੁਹੀਂ ਸਰਾਈਂ ਜਰਦਰੂ ਦਗੇ ਦੁਰਾਹੇ ਚੋਰ ਚੁਗਾਰਾ।

    Such double-faced thieves, backbiters and cheats remain pale-faced due to their bewilderment in both the worlds.






कृत्रिम बुद्धीमत्तेच्या मर्यादा

     चीनच्या डीपसीकने अलीकडेच जगभर कसा हादरा दिला याचे वृत्त सर्वांनीच वाचले असेल. त्यावर चर्चाही केल्या असतील. भारतही आपने स्वत:चे ए....