Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bharat Mukti Morcha…Pls answer these questions…..

I have few unambiguous questions to the followers of Bharat Mukti Morcha or Bamsef led by Mr. Waman Meshram…

I would be , and for that matter each and one, will be too happy to have answers to these questions…

a. When “Mulnivasi” (Aboriginal theory has been outdated since 1952,) how you (So-called Mulnivasi’s) the people claim you are aboriginals?
b. Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) has been refuted on every ground of archeological proof and written documentation, why it is till popular with (Either for hatred or for nourishing superiority complex…) amongst Mulnivasis and some Brahmins like Dr. M.K Dhavalikar?
c. Do you know what is meaning of aboriginal? If yes, pls explain it.
d. Do you know what is meaning of Brahmin explained by the very aboriginal texts? (Such as Upanisqadas, Mahabharat, etc.) If yes, pls provide those definitions.
e. All the time you change frequently your stances…sometimes against Shivaji…some times against Phule and sometimes against yourselves. Pls explain why this is so.
f. I would like to know what do you mean by exactly who are aboriginals? Dalits, Bhoomihars, Kshatritys, Vaishyas, nomadics, Marathas, kunabis…List is long, but I would like to know who you think are aboriginals and who are invaders…Pls provide me the list…
g. You the people all the time give fake reports on DNA tests, but the fact is DNA test is not meant for deciding race…but just ancestry…if you don’t know this, why spread hatred based on your own ignorance…?
h. Brahmin scholars of the past and the present like Dr. M.K. Dhavalikar…are nothing but fools enriched on their own superiority complex…but what difference is between them and you? I feel, in fact you are filled up with inferior complex…and that’s why you are instead of understanding your own roots, attempt to bash the things those are in fact your own folly.
I. Why till this date Mr. Waman Meshram bears name "Waman" though he knows, waman was the impersonated man who had assassinated Lord Balee...

Any way…these are the questions and I seek explanations without pride and prejudice…then shall we discuss it further…



  1. जय मूलनिवासी संजय सोनावणी साहब,

    अब आप कहेंगे की इस तरह से आपको अभिवादन न करे क्यू की आप अपने आप को मूलनिवासी नाही मानते| हमारी आपसे गुजारीश है की आप यह सिद्ध करके दिखलाये के आप मूलनिवासी नाही है | पर यह तो मानते होंगे की ब्रह्मणो की वर्ण व्यवस्था में आप शुद्र है | क्या इस बात से भी आप इन्कार करते है ? ठीक है आप मत मानियेगा लेकीन किसी शंकराचार्यसे काहीयेगा की वह आपको शुद्र नाही माने और यादी वो कह राहा है तो इस बात को सिद्ध करके दिखलाये | क्या ऐसी बात आप कहेंगे, इतने सालो तो नाही की आगे भी संभावना नही है ! ऐसी परीस्थीतीमे यदी हम उस गौरवशाली सोचसे आपको जोडना चाहते है जीससे जुडतेही आपकी रगरगमे स्वाभिमान संचार हो, तो आप क्यू बौखलाए हुये है ?

    आपने हमसे कहा है की आप जो भी प्रश्न उपस्थित कर रहे है उनके सभ्यतासे उत्तर दे| आपका मानना है की हम उत्तर देनेमे सक्षम नही मतलब हम नालायक है | पर क्या इस शब्द प्रयोग से आपकी सभ्यता, शालीनता झलकती है ? हम आपको मूलनिवासी मानते है और हमारे महापुरर्षोकी विचारधारासे जोडने के उद्देशसे आपसे संपर्क बनते है | बिना उद्धेश के पुस्तके और ब्लोग नाही लिखते बेठते !

  2. आप कहते ही कि हमारी सोच बचकानी है ! पर आपकी सोच ऐसी है जैसे एक आदमी कुआ खोदना चाहता है इसलिये वह दो गड्डे बनता है, फिर वह एक गड्डे को खोदकर उसकी मिट्टी दुसरे मे डालता है और फिर दुसरे गड्डे में जाकर उसकी मिट्टी पहले गड्डे मे डालता है| ऐसा रोज, दिनरात, सालोसाल करता है पर उसे जल नही मिलता और वह किसीका सुनने को भी तय्यार नही केवल तीलमिलाता है, उद्दिग्न होता है | क्षमा करना सत्य कडवा हो पर सही रास्ता दिखलाता है, अबतक की आपकी यात्रा ऐसी श्रेणीमे आती है | आप संतुलित विचारधारा की बात करते है, पर वास्तवमें दीखाई यह देता है की संतुलन बिघडा हुआ आदमी संतुलन रखने की बड़ी चेष्टा करता है, जैसे शराबमें धुत व्यक्ति रस्तेपर चलते हुए आपना संतुलन रखनेकी सर्वाधिक कोशिश करता है पर सबसे ज्यादा गिरता भी है |

    आपने जो प्रश्न उपस्थित किये है वह बहुतही सामान्य और तत्त्वहीन प्रतीत होते है | इन प्रश्नो के मुल मे तिरस्कार छिपा हुआ दिखाई पड़ता है | इसलिये संयम की बाते करना आपको शोभा नही देता | ब्राह्मण संयम, शांती, नैतिकता, सभ्यातकी बडी बडी बाते करते है पर यदी उनकी खामिया दिखलायी तो वह ऐसे आगबबुला होते है जैसे की उनको सुलीपर चढा दिया हो | आपपर उसी संगतका असर तो नही? ध्यान रखिये कुसंगातीका फल हमेशा बुरा ही होता है |
    अब आप सोचते होंगे की मूल विषयपर मै क्यू बोल नही राहा हु? क्यू के बचकानी बाते (निश्चित ध्येय और उद्देश के बिना) कौन कर राहा है यह विश्लेषण करना अत्यावशक था | यदि आप इस से सेहमत नही तो अगली इस पर पुरी किताब लिखनेका वाद करता हु | आप सचमे हमारे महापुरुषौका आंदोलन समझना चाहते है, उनकी विचारधारा पर आधारित मूलनिवासी बहुजानो की मुक्ती के लिए काम करना चाहते है तो हमारे महापुरषोंकी पुस्तके पड़े, जिनकी बद्दोलत आपको और हमें विचार करने की स्वतान्त्र्यता मिली जिस पर ब्राह्मणों की व्यवस्था ने हजारो सालोंसे पाबन्दी लगी थी, वहा आपको विस्तार मे जानकारी मील जायेगी |

  3. Your question is When “Mulnivasi” (Aboriginal theory has been outdated since 1952,) how you (So-called Mulnivasi’s) the people claim you are aboriginals?

    Please be informed that the year 1993 was declared by UNO as International Year for the indigenous Populations(aboriginal people, native people, first people, fourth world cultures). Indigenous peoples are people, communities, and nations who claim a historical continuity and cultural affinity with societies predating contact with Western culture. Indigenous groups can be formulated as "a politically underprivileged group, who share a similar identity different to the nation in power". It was founded on a recognition that Aboriginal people were the most socioeconomically disadvantaged in health, life expectancy, education, housing, employment, income and imprisonment, and it accepted that this state of affairs was the end result of colonial dispossession and subsequent government policies. There are several Nations, Places where Aboriginals(Indigenous peoples) do exist independently or largely isolated from the influence of the claimed governance by a nation-state. Like in Africa, Central America and Mexico, North America & South America, Russia, Mangolia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Northern Spain, Southern France, Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austrailia, New Zealand,.......

  4. At least, are you aware of that on 13th February 2008, the Australia's prime minister Kevin Rudd has delivered an historic apology to the Aboriginal people in a gesture of reconciliation for injustices committed over two centuries of white settlement. "We apologise for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians. As prime minister of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the government of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the parliament of Australia, I am sorry. The injustices of the past must never, never happen again. For the pain, suffering and hurt of these stolen generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry.”

  5. Now is it clear, what you have stated is absolutely wrong. The "Scheduled Tribes(collectively referred to as Adivasis, or tribal peoples), Scheduled Caste and Other Backward Class(OBC)" have the highest poverty rate in India. For thousand of year they are the sufferers in this country. The Ruling Class in India have made them Slaves in the form of Sudras, Untouchables, Harijans or Vanvasi. Have you ever seen anywhere in the world that Slaves and their Rulers has similar origin or race? In India Varna System and Caste system is the worst form of racism. Sudras & Atishudras are the slaves of Higher Caste People. Does any Good Brahmin has moral courage of saying sorry for the pain, suffering of the Slaves(Shudras & Atishudras) and injustices committed by their forefathers for the centuries? ..........

    You are habitually writing contradictory to the Movement of Liberation of Indian Mulnivasis. Hence don't expect from us to explain all the questions raised by you.

    Thank you,


  6. Ekalavya ji, thanks for explaining. But unfortunately this is diversion from original point. My objection was to usage of the word "Eurasian Brahmins...", which in iteself is incorrect, unhistporical. If Brahmins are Eurasian then so-called... Kshatriya, vaishya and even Shudra's (Except Adivasi's.) too are Eurasians. But Aryan Invasion Theory has been proved incorrect. Hence claiming that only Brahmins are outsiders and others are aboriginals, is too incorrect.

    As far Brahmanical caste based system is concerned, no sane purson can ever justify it, neither do I. However hatred based movemnent hardly can see success in long term. System can be changed with awakening and breakimng the present unjust system, the way Dr. Babasaheb tried...and acheived phenomenal success. But that is not enough...we need to take long strides to bring true equality in coming era.


  8. sanjayjee,tumhi upasthit kelele prashna bintod aahet.tyachi uttare denyaivajee mandali vishayantar karit ahet.tyani tarkshuddha uttare dili pahijet.palputepana nako.vicharkalahala ghabarnare phule ambedkari kase hou shakatat?

  9. संजयजी,तुम्ही उपस्थित केलेले प्रश्न बिनतोड आहेत. त्यांची उत्तरे देण्याऎवजी मंडळी विषयांतर करीत आहेत. त्यांनी तर्कशुद्ध उत्तरे दिली पाहिजेत.पळपुटेपणा नको. विचारकलहाला घाबरणारे फ़ुले आंबेडकरी कसे होवू शकतात?

  10. As far Brahmanical caste based system is concerned, no sane purson can ever justify it, neither do I. However hatred based movemnent hardly can see success in long term. System can be changed with awakening and breakimng the present unjust system

    ekdum sahmat ya wicharanshi... Sarvanni ekatra yeoonach solution kaadhale paahije naahitar hi cycle tashich chaalu raahil...

  11. mera ap sbhi bhaiyon se prasn hai kya brahmn se vstva me desh khali krwa skte hain ? han to kaise kya usase samvidhan ka ullanghan nhi hoga ? nhi to fir mulnivasiyon ko kyon bhramit kr rhe hain ? aur kahin aisa to nhi ki brahmn ka virodh brahmn k hi fayde k liye kr rhen ant me apko brahmn se ghruna hai ya brahmnvad se ?



कृत्रिम बुद्धीमत्तेच्या मर्यादा

     चीनच्या डीपसीकने अलीकडेच जगभर कसा हादरा दिला याचे वृत्त सर्वांनीच वाचले असेल. त्यावर चर्चाही केल्या असतील. भारतही आपने स्वत:चे ए....