Friday, June 8, 2012

रा. स्व. संघाच्या हिंदुत्वाचे कवित्व!

राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघाची स्थापना डा. केशव बळीराम हेडगेवारांनी नागपुर येथे १९२५ साली केली. हेडगेवार हे मुलत: सशस्त्र क्रांतीचे समर्थक असले तरे नंतर त्यांच्या लक्षत आले कि या खंडप्राय देशात सशस्त्र क्रांती अशक्यप्राय आहे. बाळासाहेब देवरसांनी आपल्या आत्मचरित्रात लिहुन ठेवले आहे कि हेड्गेवारांनी अनेक तरुणांना भगतसिंगाचा मार्ग चोखाळण्यापासुन परावृत्त केले. रा.स्व. संघ हेडगेवारांच्या काळापर्यंत (१९४०) तरी एक आदर्श संघटना होती असे म्हणता येते. म. गांधींनीही या संघटनेची तारीफ केलेली इतिहासात दिसते. परंतु गोळवलकर गुरुजी १९४० मद्धे सरसंघचालक झाले तसे या संघटनेचे खरे दात दिसु लागले.
माधव स. गोळवलकरांचा जन्म  १९०६ साली झाला. म्हणजे ते सरसंघचालक झाले तेंव्हा अवघ्या ३४ वर्षांचे होते.   त्यांचा "Bunch of Thoughts" (विचारधन) प्रसिद्ध असुन हा ग्रंथ म्हणजे गोळवलकर गुरुजींनी दिलेल्या विविध भाषणांचा संग्रह आहे. हा ग्रंथ मला १९८६ साली संघवाल्यांनी भेट दिला. निमित्त होते माझा नुकताच प्रसिद्ध झालेला "Ancient Aryans Thought on Religion"  हा प्रबंध. मला या मंडळीने संघ परिवारात खेचण्यासाठी असंख्य प्रलोभने दाखवली. परंतु जेंव्हा मी इतिहास संकलन समितीच्या पुण्यातील प्रमुखशी भेटलो व त्यांनी मला सुचवले कि "आर्य बाहेरुन आले नाहीत" हे तुमचे या प्रबंधातील मत मागे घ्या...आम्ही ते प्रसिद्ध करतो,..." एका क्षणात माझे डोळे उघडले. संघवादी हे वंशवादी आहेत हे मला समजले. मी गोळवलकर गुरुजींचे विचारधन मग काळजीपुर्वक वाचले. लोक संघाच्या नादी का लागतात याचीही कारणे समजली. बहुजनांतील नव्याने जन्म घेवु पाहणारे विचारवंत यांचे फुल-टायमर कार्यकर्ते बरोबर कसे हेरतात, त्यांना आपल्या कच्छपी कसे लावतात, कशी आमिषे दाखवतात, तारीफांचे पुल बांधत त्यांना कसे आकर्षित करतात ही त्यांची कार्यप्रणालीही लक्षात आली. हे आजही थांबलेले नाही.
रा,स्व. संघ सावरकरांसारखा फक्त हिंदुत्ववादी नसुन वंशवादी आहे हे सत्य आधी समजावुन घ्यायला हवे. त्यांनी जरी वरकरणी हिंदु धर्माचा बुरखा घेतला असला तरी ते मुळात वैदिक व आर्यवादी आहेत. आर्य बाहेरुन आले व तेच आद्य आक्रमक असुन येथील संस्कृतीचे खरे निर्माते होत असा त्यांचा लाडका सिद्धांत आहे. हिंदु धर्म नव्हे तर "वैदिक धर्म, वैदिक सिद्धांत, वैदिक  संस्कृती" हे त्यांच्या तत्वद्न्यानाचे कळीचे मुद्दे आहेत. आर्य बाहेरुन आले हा सिद्धांत राजकीय दृष्ट्या अडचणीचा ठरतो हे लक्षात आल्यावर गोळवलकर गुरुजींनी "पुरातन काळी उत्तर धृव वाराणशी येथे होता" असा दीव्य सिद्धांतही मांडला होता. नशीब तेंव्हा हा भारत देश अवकाशात लटकत होता असे ते म्हणाले नाहीत.
संघाने भारतीय स्वातंत्र्य लढ्यात सहभाग घेण्याचे पुर्णपणे नाकारले. हेदगेवारांनी किमान स्वातंत्र्यासाठी तुरुंगवास भोगला हे वास्तव असले तरी गोलवलकरांनंतर मात्र ती प्रक्रिया पुर्ण थांबली. याचे मुख्य कारण म्हणजे तत्कालीन मान्य नेते गांधी हे ब्राह्मण नव्हते...कथित वैदिक आर्य नव्हते. त्यांचे नेतृत्व मान्य करणे वैदिक वाद्यांसाठी अशक्यप्राय अशी बाब होती. मनुस्मृती हेच स्वतंत्र भारताचे कायद्याचे आदर्श पुस्तक असेल असे गोळवलकर गुरुजी, सावरकरांच्या पावलावर पावुल ठेवुन म्हनत असत.
दुसरे महत्वाचे असे कि गोळवलकरांचा लोकशाहीवर कधीच विश्वास नव्हता. या संघटनेची आजही "घटना" नाही. ती करण्याची आश्वासने या संघाने सरकारला वारंवार दिली असली तरी ती कधीच अस्तित्वात आली नाही. सरकारी बडग्याने घाईत एक बनवली, पण ती बासणात बांधून ठेवलीय.
 एवढेच नव्हे तर तिरंगा हा राष्ट्रध्वज असल्याचे या संघाला मान्य नाही. आता ढोंग म्हणुन ते तिरंगा फडकावतात...पण तो केवळ देखावा आहे. प्रात:स्मरनात ते आता गांधी व बाबासाहेबांचेही नांव घेतात पण त्यामागे कितपत ढोंग आहे ते सुद्न्य जाणतातच.
संघाचे हिंदुत्व म्हणजे वैदिकवाद असुन मनुस्मृतीचे पुनर्स्थापन हा त्यांचा अंतिम अजेंडा आहे. म्हणुनच हिंदु धर्माची व्याख्या करण्याची त्यांना विशेष गरज भासत नाही. कारण तो आपला धर्मच नाही हे त्यांना चांगलेच माहित आहे. जे मुस्लिम वा ख्रिस्ती नाहीत ते हिंदु अशी सरळसोट व्याख्या आहे. पारशी ज्युंशी त्यांचे काहीएक वैर नाही. तसे तत्वत: ख्रिस्त्यांशीही नाही. पुरातन आर्य असल्याने इंग्रजांना ते आपले पुरातन रक्तबांधवच मानत असत.
हिटलर हे त्यांचे मुलभुत आदर्श आहे हे आता लपुन राहिलेले नाही. एकतंत्रशाही त्यामुळे त्यांना प्रिय आहे. मुस्लिमांचा (हे त्यांना खाजगीत नेहमीच "लांडे" म्हणतात.) हे पराकोटीचा द्वेष करतात, इतका कि हिटलरने ज्युंचा जसा वंशौच्छेद केला तसा मुस्लिमांचाही करावा हे यांचे स्वप्न आहे, तसे प्रयत्न आहेत. मला अनेक संघवादी वाचकांचे फोन येतात तेंव्हा ते "मुस्लमानांना वेचुन ठार करायला हवे" असे म्हणतच असतात.
पण त्यांनी केलेले त्यांच्या दृष्टीने महापवित्र कार्य म्हणजे गांधीजींचा खुन. ते या खुनाला वध म्हणतात. म्हणजे गांधी महापातकीच असले पाहिजेत. सावरकर या कार्याचे बुद्धीवादी प्रणेते होते. कधी संघात तर कधी महासभेत वावरणारा बळीचा बकरा नथुराम त्यांनी निवडला. वैदिकवाद्यांनी एका हिंदुचा निघ्रुण खुन केला.
याचा पुरावा असा:
गोळवलकरांनी ६ डिसेंबर १९४७ रोजी गोवर्धन या दिल्लीनजीकच्या ठिकाणी संघाच्या बैठकीत कोन्ग्रेसच्या महत्वाच्या नेत्यांना कसे ठार मारायला हवे यावर चर्चा केली. यानंतर दोनच दिवसांनी रोहटक रोड क्यंपात गोळवलकरांनी पाकिस्तान निर्मितीस जबाबदार असलेल्यांना आम्ही नष्ट करु, पाकिस्तानही नष्ट करु अशी जाहीर भुमिका मांडली. याच वेळीस गोळवलकर म्हणाले, हिंदुस्तानात आम्ही मुस्लिमांना राहु देणार नाही. आमचे जेही विरोधक आहेत त्यांना आम्ही संपवुन टाकु....
  यानंतर सहाच आठवड्यांत गांधीजींचा खुन करण्यात आला. या प्रकरनी सावरकरांप्रमानेच गोळवलकरांनाही अटक झाली. वर्षभरात त्यांना चांगल्या वर्तनाच्या हमीवर सोडुनही देण्यात आले. आरेसेस वरची बंदीही हटवण्यात आली. गृहमंत्री कोण होते हे सांगण्याची येथे आवश्यकता नाही. असो.
मुद्दा आहे हिंदुत्वाचा. संघ व त्याच्या अनेक शाखा-उपशाखा स्वत:ला हिंदु धर्मीयांचे तारणहार समजतात. तत्वद्न्य आणि समर्थक समजतात. त्यासाठी असंख्य धादांत खोट्या गोष्टी रचुन सांगत असतात. (उदा. हडप्पा/लोथल येथे सापडलेल्या तंदुर भट्ट्यांचे अवशेष हे यद्न्यकुंडांचे अवशेष आहेत...तात्पर्य सिंधु संस्कृती ही वैदिकांनी घडवली. इति. एम. के ढवळीकर. पु. ना. ओक ते वर्तक असेच तारे तोडत असतात.)
हिंदु धर्माच्या ख-या वाढीस संघ हा फार मोठा अडसर आहे हे वारंवार सिद्ध झाले आहे. हिटलरच्या एस.एस. संघटनेची सर्वच मुलतत्वे संघ जपत असतो. सांस्कृतीक दहशतवादात यांचा कोणीही हात धरु शकणार नाही. हिंसक दहशतवादात ते आता कसे पडले आहेत हे गांधी हत्या ते फादर स्टेनच्या हत्येपर्यंत व मालेगांव ते गोवा विस्फोटांपर्यंत दिसुन येते.
मुळात हे हिंदु धर्माचे अंग नाही.  संस्कृतीआर्यवादी विकृतांना आपली ध्येये विदेशी संस्कृत्यांतुन उचलावी लागतात यातच सर्व आले. हे हिंदु नाहीत. म्हणुन मी मागील लेखात संघाचा हिंदु धर्माशी काहीएक संबंध नाही असे म्हटले होते आणि तेच सत्य आहे असे माझे मत आहे. हे हिंदु मार्गातील मोठे अडथळे आहेत. हे वैदिकवादी असुन मेंढ्याची कातडी पांघरत हिंदुंच्या (शैवांच्या) कळपात घुसलेली नुसती लबाडच नव्हे तर विघातक मंडळी आहे.
१९५६ मद्धे प्रसिद्ध पत्रकार डी. एफ. कारक यांनी गोळवलकारांबाबत (व संघाच्या बाबत) जे विधान केले होते ते असे:
"Golwalkar was a guru of hate, whose life's malevolent work was — as Jawaharlal Nehru so memorably put it — to make India into a "Hindu Pakistan". That project has not succeeded yet, and may it never succeed either."

द्वेषाच्या पायावर खोटे हिंदुत्व रचणारा वैदिकवादी संघ हा हिंदु धर्माच्या मार्गातील सर्वात मोठा अडथळा आहे हे नीट समजावुन घ्यावे लागणार आहे. त्याखेरीज हिंदु धर्मासमोरील समस्या संपनार नाहीत. आम्हाला "हिंदु पाकिस्तान" बनवायचा नाहीहे. पण तसे करण्याचा जे प्रयत्न करताहेत त्यांचे बेत हाणुन पाडले पाहिजेत.


  1. Excellent But I did not understand your your definition of HIndu = Shaiva

  2. Nice article; one correction. Golvalkar was not born in Konkan but in Vidarbha. This is one of the points to ponder, 5 out of 7 chiefs are marathi brahmins and 4 out of them were born in Vidarbha. In India geography seems to be playing an important role in framing of parties and organization. These days we have not one but many organizations on the line of RSS, serving their own agenda; destructive agenda. May your writing deepens the awareness in the minds of the common people.

    1. Thanks Omkar ji for correction. It was my mistake.

      Also thanks for encouraging comment.

    2. bakwas article aahe , full of corrections and false in formation without giving any proofs.. this is style of the great writer of our era..

  3. Hi Sanjay ,
    Nice article
    Just few things
    firstly I believe in some ideologies of sangh not all ,but definitely I don't believe in golvalkar's ideologies .
    In Maharashtra People consider sang as an evil organization,but in Madhya pradesh(I hail from MP)it is considered as one of the best organization a country can have .The reason is their work in areas like Jhabua which is a tribal area there they provide free education,shelter,food to poor kids and their family.

    1. Thanks Amol ji. Work for downtrodden, no matter who does it, is a welcome...just I hope there should not be any hidden agenda.

  4. सोनवणी साहेब, सगळंच हवेतलं बांधकाम! आर्यवाद काय मनुस्मृती काय? एकच विनंती आहे. कृपया आपल्या ह्या ललित लेखाला एक दोन संदर्भांची जोड देऊन लेखाला चारचांद लावावेत.

  5. संघाला घटना नाही असे तुम्ही लेखात लिहीले आहे. ही घ्या संघाची घटना :

    जी ६० वर्षांपूर्वीच बनली आहे. अजून खोलात शिरलो तर आख्खा ब्लॉग लिहीता येईल. कृपया आपण चालवलेला धादांत खोटा प्रचार थांबवावा. अन्यथा तुमच्या लेखाला पूरक असे संदर्भ द्यावेत.

    1. The constitution you are talking about was adapted in 1949 to get lifted the ban imposed by the government following Mahatma Gandhi's murder. It was never in fact practised by RSS.

  6. hindu pakistan .. bap re .. ajachi janata evadhi dudhkhuli naiye ki hindu pakistan karaichi iccha asanarya sansthela lok support detil .. baki he likhan thik ahe ...sanghane kelele changale kam ? ka te visarun jayache ?

  7. But you just said that constitution of RSS doesnt exist!??

  8. And on what grounds you say that "It was never in fact practised by RSS." Annual Internal elections and all proceedings are conducted as per the Constitution. Please do not spread the wrong word. And also provide proper evidences while accusing Shree Guruji. Supreme Court has given clean cheat to RSS in Gandhi murder case. Are you above the Court of Law?

  9. I think some of the points were too generalised..but this is the truth...sangh has always remained something that only brahmins are proud of...they talk to you as if they are the ones who taught your grandparents to speak and write, though most of them (kokanastha mainly) do not have any history to talk about...They blame taliban for hailing 7th century Islam, and what they do? 7 BC hinduism or shaivism or vaishnivasism...? what is their agenda...they help poor (HIndu poor) to stop attrition in the other motive...few of them are good, no doubt...but they do have any say in real things...thats the reality...A hindu is free to go with any of the six schools of philosophies, and if she or he says that he or she does not believe in any god still has a right to call himself or herself an ardent and staunch Hindu!

  10. "Why was the Constitution-making process slow? Is it because Ambedkar wanted it to be slow? Not in the least. It was slow despite the best efforts of Ambedkar and despite full support from Nehru, because opposition to this process was prevalent all around. RSS chief MS Golwalkar articulated the opposition to the process it by saying that we don’t need a new Constitution as we already have the ‘glorious’ Constitution in the form of Manusmriti. ...(Ram Puniyani. on Tehelka dated 22-5-12)"

    "People very well know that M.S. Golwalkar, was a strong supporter of ethnic cleansing done by the Nazis which he openly glorified in his book 'We Or Our Nationhood Defined' (1939), who yearned for a Manusmriti like regime which condemned dalits and women to a secondary status and who opposed the making of constitution under the leadership of the legendary Dr Ambedkar and had strongly contended that Manusmriti be made the new constitution of independent India. Golwalkar's highlly dubious role at the time of partition wherein he even instigated violence against the minorities is also a well-known fact....Subhash Gatade, Journalist."

    "After giving careful and serious consideration to all the materials that are on record,the Commission is of the view that the RSS with its extensive organisation in jamshedpur and which had close links with the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh had a positive hand in creating a climate which was most propitious for the outbreak of communal disturbances. In the first instance, the speech of Shri Deoras (delivered just five days before the Ram Navami festival) tended to encourage the Hindu extremists to be unyielding in their demands regarding Road No. 14. Secondly, his speech amounted to communal propaganda. Thirdly, the shakhas and the camps that were held during the divisional conference presented a militant atmosphere to the Hindu public. In the circumstances, the commission cannot but hold the RSS responsible for creating a climate for the disturbances that took place on the 11th of April, 1979"

    Liberhaun Commission has blamed Sangh Parivar for demolishen of babri Mosque.

  11. Hello Sanjayji,

    you still have not answered Chirags Questions,

    quoting well know Anti-RSS journalists views doesn't answer these questions.on what basis you are claiming Golavalkar Guruji were the brain behind Gandhi Murder? when supreme court has acquitted him, dont make baseless allegations please.

    1. Those who criticise RSS are anti-RSS per your say. The people criticising RSS too are Hindu's and better Hindu's than the Hindutvavad preached by RSS. I have given reference on Golvalkar's speech before assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. I know that supreme court had acquitted Mr. Golwalkar from the charge of involvement in Mahatma Gandhi assassination and so were Sawarkar by lower court for lack of direct evidence. However circumstantial and indirect evidence leads to what I have mentioned.

  12. Hi Sanjay.
    You are trying very hard to fool people who are not aware of The Mahatama gandhi murder trial.

    Golwalkar was not even a accused party. and to say he was brain behind it is a streching it bit too far.
    and you just commented about some cirumstantial and indirect evidence against him. what a joke. can you please enlighten us all about those evidences which all these years never came to any ones mind?
    you always demand proofs from any one who talks against you and when its your turn you just talk logic and common sense.

    IF YOU HAVE SOME EVIDENCE SHOW IT, OR HAVE SOME DECENCY TO TAKE BACK YOUR WORDS( which i suppose is too high a expectation)



    1. Dear Anand,

      "Following the assassination of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on 30 January 1948, the RSS and other Hindu nationalist organisations were banned and Golwalkar was arrested. The Courts and the judicial commissions enquiring into the assassination, absolved the RSS of any charges and Golwalkar was released. The government, however did not lift the ban on RSS. After talks with the government failed, Golwalkar gave a call for Sathyagraha and more than a hundred thousand Swayamsevaks offered Satyagraha all over India and were promptly jailed. At this stage, Many eminent personalities came forward for mediation and began negotiation with the Government and finally, the ban on the RSS was dropped."

      How you can say Golwalkar was not accused party?


    2. "Secret documents that this writer has recently seen strongly suggest that even if the RSS was not directly implicated in Gandhi's murder, its main leader was not entirely averse to such a happening. Thus, on December 6, 1947, Golwalkar convened a meeting of RSS workers in the town of Govardhan, not far from Delhi. The police report on this meeting says it discussed how to "assassinate the leading persons of the Congress in order to terrorise the public and to get their hold over them".

      Two days later, Golwalkar addressed a crowd of several thousand volunteers at the Rohtak Road Camp in Delhi. The police reporter in attendance wrote that the RSS leader said that "the Sangh will not rest content until it had finished Pakistan. If anyone stood in our way we will have to finish them too, whether it was Nehru Government or any other Government... " Referring to Muslims, he said that no power on earth could keep them in Hindustan. They should have to quit this country... "If they were made to stay here the responsibility would be the Government's and the Hindu community would not be responsible. Mahatma Gandhi could not mislead them any longer. We have the means whereby [our] opponents could be immediately silenced". Dr. Ramchandra Guha.

    3. Thus, shortly after releasing Nathuram’s book, Why I Assassinated Mahatma Gandhi, in December 1993, Gopal Godse in an interview with Frontline magazine stated: “All the [Godse] brothers were in the RSS. Nathuram, Dattatreya, myself and Govind. You can say we grew up in the RSS rather than in our home. It was like a family to us. Nathuram had become a baudhik karyavah [intellectual worker] in the RSS. He has said in his statement that he left the RSS. He said it because [Madhav Sadashiv] Golwalkar and the RSS were in a lot of trouble after the murder of Gandhi. But he did not leave the RSS.” [See issue of 28 January 1994]

      Gandhiji was assassinated by RSS and sawarkar....Nathuram was just a pawn...I dont hate Nathuram at all...I hate the brains behind assassination. Thanks everybody for nice discussion.- Sanjay

  13. Dear Sanjay,

    How i can say Golwalkar was not accused party? because he was not. AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

    Nathuram Godse

    Vinayak Savarkar

    Visnu Karkare

    Narayan Apate

    madanlal pahwa

    Shankar Kistayya

    Gopal godse

    Dattatreya Parchure

    Gangadhar Dandawate

    Gangahar jadhav

    Suryadeo Sharma

    and Approver Digambar Badge were accused in that case.

    Police arrested golwalkar following Gandhi murder and charged him under 302. but within days changed it to Preventive detention law.

    Also Ban on RSS lifted cause Goverment could not link it with Gandhi Murder.

    so please shed light on evidences you have against Golwalkar. as i said earlier its futile to expect that you will take back your accusations even if you dont have any proofs.still i am hopeful.


  14. Hi Sanjay

    PROOFS.... please show proofs.

    links you showed are no proofs in any strech of imagination.
    what you think is not important when said matter is proved otherwise is court.



  15. "The government issued a communique on July 11, 1949, announcing the lifting of the ban. It recorded the RSS leader’s clarifications and said: “In March this year, the RSS leader wrote to the government forwarding a draft constitution, the terms of which were examined by government in consultation with the Provinces. The Government of India conveyed to the RSS leader their reactions on the draft and he has now generally accepted the suggestions made by the Government of India and the clarifications made by him indicate that the relevant provisions of the constitution are intended to be worked in the spirit contemplated by the government.“In the light of the modifications made and clarifications given by the RSS leader, the Government of India have come to the conclusion that the RSS organisation should be given an opportunity to function as a democratic, cultural organisation owing loyalty to the Indian Constitution and recognising the National Flag eschewing secrecy and abjuring violence.”

    But on August 1 Golwalkar claimed: “There was no compromise. There was no undertaking of any kind given to the government.” He claimed that nobody had a right to ask for the constitution of any organisation. In his view, it was “transgressing the limits of administration”. But, only four months earlier, on April 11, he himself had forwarded the RSS constitution to the Home Minister of India.

    The government’s communique had clearly asserted that “the RSS leader has undertaken to make the loyalty to the Indian Constitution and respect for the National Flag more explicit in the constitution of the RSS and to provide clearly that persons believing or resorting to violent and secret methods will have no place in the Sangh. The RSS leader has also clarified that the constitution will be worked on a democratic basis.”

    The above information clearly indicates RSS never was in favor of accepting Indian flag nor Indian constitution. It was forced to adopt constitution to save existence of organization. RSS' constitution has been meaningless and real activities are undemocratic.

  16. However, the fact that the Hindu communalist played the same loyalist role is often overshadowed as the representatives of majority communalism tend to masquerade as nationalists just as the minority communalists resort to separatism.

    Both the communalisms, however, fed on each other and apart from playing a pro-British, loyalist role in the colonial period they seriously endanger the values of secularism, democracy and national interest as envisaged now in independent India, they say.

    “Part of the hate project is to portray all communities other than the Hindus as foreigners in India, who are disloyal and unworthy of trust. Particularly the Muslims, whom RSS founder K B Hedgewar described as hissing Yavana snakes had to be out in place or they were to face extinction, become dead as a dodo. It is claimed that Ashoka’s advocacy of ahimsa (non-violence) and the growing influence of Buddhism spread cowardice and the struggle fro India’s freedom became a religious war against Muslims, and so on.

    “It is not surprising that Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of non-violence and the builder of the freedom struggle as a common struggle of the Hindus and the Muslims against British imperialism, got describes in the RSS lexicon as a ‘dushatma’ who had to be eliminated,” the book says.

    In recent years, with the active use of state power the RSS has succeeded in spreading this hate agenda to unprecedented levels in the name of spreading education and culture.

    (Name: “RSS, School Texts and the Murder of Mahatma Gandhi: The Hindu Communal Project”; Authors: Aditya Mukherjee, Mridula Mukherjee and Sucheta Mahajan; Publishers: Sage Publications; Price: Rs 195; Pages: 112)

  17. Hi Sanjay,

    you are making round against main question. i didnt ask you reasons behind RSS getting banned.

    my only querry was share the proofs you have which shows Golwalkars hand ( or as you say Brain) behind gandhi murder.
    copying from various soruces from internet dosent prove it.. or is it?

    I have gone thru all the links you shared. no where it accuses golwalkar.



  18. "The foreign races in Hindusthan [India] must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu nation and must loose (sic) their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment — not even citizen's rights. There is, at least, should be, no other course for them to adopt. We are an old nation; let us deal, as old nations ought to and do deal, with the foreign races, who have chosen to live in our country.” - M. S. Golwalkar in "We or our Nationhood defined" - 1939

    Can one imagine how dangerous fascist ideas Mr. Golwalkar had?

  19. Again Mr Sanjay Sonawani....

    You still are not comming to the point. you accused Mr Golwalkar of being brain behind Gandhi Murder. my objection is to that point. So no use of giving links to his thinking or philosophies.


    Do you have any proofs as you claimed against golawalkar being brain behinde Mahatama Gandhi Murder? YES OR NO? IF YES PLEASE SHARE... IF no then just let it be....people like you not gonna accept mistakes any way.

    1. My dear friend, I am sure your are not dumb not to understand the indirect evidences which I have claimed are already provided in various comments. For example Golwalkar's speech at Govardhan, police reports, arrest and then release and so on. Now you are not ready to think infer and decide this is not my problem. Thanks anyway.

  20. wow. consider me as dumb and write it down please

    Indirect Evidence???? Please State one.
    Speach at gowardhan? Which part of it you can use as evidence?
    Police report? Arrest and release? if one cant find any proof against any one then only one gets released. that too when Congress was in power.And Question is not if i can think... Why it never came infront of court in all these years. Golwalkar was never tried in court for gandhi murder. leave alone getting aquited. So PLEASE STOP FOOLING PEOPLE...

    Regarding language golwalkar used in some of his books. yes it was aggresive and even violent some time but that doesnt mean he started killing people.if you think so please go thru your own language in your old blog posts and re read it. you have used same kind of language.

  21. Prashan urto RSS la Maharashtratahi virodh astana RSS deshbhar kasa pasarala Jat, Paisa, rashtrya prabhavshali netruvata asnare paksha Maharashtra purte simit ka rahile

  22. संजय सर अतिशय मुद्देसूद व चिंतनीय लेख. धर्म नावाची अफूची गोळी जनतेला पाजून द्वेषाचा विखार पसरवू पाहणार्‍या समाज विघातक प्रवृत्ती ज्या दिवशी पूर्ण नष्ट होतील तो दिवस खरा शांततेचा असेल. नरहर कुरुंदकर यांनी देखील शिवरात्र या त्यांच्या पुस्तकामधे गोळवलकर गुरुजींच्या या विचारसरणीवर अत्यंत कडक शब्दांत ताशेरे ओढलेले आहेत. तुम्ही जे वास्तव लोकांच्या नजरेसमोर आणून देता आहात ते कुरुंदकरांच्याही पुढचे क्रांतिकारी पाऊल आहे. आजच्या विचारी व वाचक असलेल्या पिढीला धर्मांधतेपासून वाचवण्यासाठी तुमच्यासारख्या समाजसुधारकांची खरोखर गरज आहे.

  23. मनुस्मृती हेच स्वतंत्र भारताचे कायद्याचे आदर्श पुस्तक असेल असे गोळवलकर गुरुजी, सावरकरांच्या पावलावर पावुल ठेवुन म्हनत असत.
    please give the proofs (original) not by any writer.. or take back your foolish writings.. savarkar never agree with manusmruti, you must read all savarakar writing. so why you quote savarakar and guruji in one sentence.. its your bad habit.. please stop false propaganda..

    पण त्यांनी केलेले त्यांच्या दृष्टीने महापवित्र कार्य म्हणजे गांधीजींचा खुन. ते या खुनाला वध म्हणतात. म्हणजे गांधी महापातकीच असले पाहिजेत. सावरकर या कार्याचे बुद्धीवादी प्रणेते होते. कधी संघात तर कधी महासभेत वावरणारा बळीचा बकरा नथुराम त्यांनी निवडला. वैदिकवाद्यांनी एका हिंदुचा निघ्रुण खुन केला.
    याचा पुरावा असा:
    गोळवलकरांनी ६ डिसेंबर १९४७ रोजी गोवर्धन या दिल्लीनजीकच्या ठिकाणी संघाच्या बैठकीत कोन्ग्रेसच्या महत्वाच्या नेत्यांना कसे ठार मारायला हवे यावर चर्चा केली. यानंतर दोनच दिवसांनी रोहटक रोड क्यंपात गोळवलकरांनी पाकिस्तान निर्मितीस जबाबदार असलेल्यांना आम्ही नष्ट करु, पाकिस्तानही नष्ट करु अशी जाहीर भुमिका मांडली. याच वेळीस गोळवलकर म्हणाले, हिंदुस्तानात आम्ही मुस्लिमांना राहु देणार नाही. आमचे जेही विरोधक आहेत त्यांना आम्ही संपवुन टाकु....
    यानंतर सहाच आठवड्यांत गांधीजींचा खुन करण्यात आला. या प्रकरनी सावरकरांप्रमानेच गोळवलकरांनाही अटक झाली. वर्षभरात त्यांना चांगल्या वर्तनाच्या हमीवर सोडुनही देण्यात आले. आरेसेस वरची बंदीही हटवण्यात आली. गृहमंत्री कोण होते हे सांगण्याची येथे आवश्यकता नाही. असो.

    aaho tumhi jar konala thar maru aasa mhanalae mag to jar mela tat tumhich to khun kela asa hot nahi, jya bhartiy ghatnecha aapan sarakha vapar karta tya pramane purave pan lagtat.. udya police yeun tumhala pakdun gele mag kay tumhi khuni zalat kay? mag court and judje kashala aahet? jar tumcha judiciary var vishwas nahi tar mag bhartiy ghatne var kasa? you must indian constitution and judiciary.. you are not above the law and constitution.. by writing some hatred and malicious personal vendetta you will get nothing..

  24. I have observed that, as many of the RSS workers say in private that"RSS is like a Powerhouse of Hindutva"Just like a powerhouse of electricity.You may use this energy for any purpose u need. Hence, It becomes very difficult to link and book this organisation for any event, may it be Gandhi assassination or destruction at Ayodya.
    You can feel but you cant prove!

  25. Sanjay Sonavani,
    I have read many of your articles, which are sensational but not sensible. Just because you have a pen and a medium to publish, you shouldn't write whatever you think should have happened. According to me what you like to write is something that shatters people's faith in whatever. Remember your article on Shri Vitthal, Prima facie It looks you have researched a lot for the subject...but also shows that your prime motive is something else. Wherever people come together you don't like it? You can't see something good happening in society? The moment you see that, you make an effort showing you have found something that is exactly reverse of what people think. Many a times there is feeling that you are hired to write certain things. I am sorry to write this so point blank. You have written a book on Shri Balasaheb Thakare and today you are writing against his philosophy. I don't know whether you think him a hindu or a vaidik or an arya or anything else. Whatever you call him he worked for same hinduism which you are looking down at. And as far I am concerned your above article is just baseless and for spreading rumors. There's no better value attached to it. I expect better researched articles from a journalist like you. Also while writing always keep a view at the back of mind that whether my writing is dividing my society ..or .. uniting it..? I trust that is taught as basic ethics while learning journalism.
    Warm Regards- Abhay Thite.

  26. Dear Sanjay Sonavani

    Just go to any Sangh Shakha for 1 year. If you want to see how Sangh people serve people, visit some of the social service project out of 1,60,000 projects running across India. Meet those Pracharaks who have dedicated their lives to this country. They include gold medalists, highly educated people but instead of going behind money they opted to serve this country and unite people. Meet them, see their work and then write your thoughts about Sangh...Stop this nonsence of defaming RSS.
    If possible just visit My home India project in Pune which connects NorthEast India's students to mainstream..By the way these students are not so called "Vaidik" as claimed by you..
    your article shows how you want to divide this society. Do something constructive instead of blaming and defaming others..

  27. The mischief or "Aryan" mythic has always been done by Chitpavan Brahmins of Maharashtra and not supported by any other Brahmin sub-caste. Even Lokmanya Tilak supported this baseless hypothesis. This is because the myth about the origin of Chitpavan Brahmin speaks the same in Konkan for last almost five centuries. This myth is also explained by Pt. Mahadevshastri Joshi in his Bharatiya Sanskriti Kosh. The controversy between Kokanastha Brahmins and Saraswat Brahmins (another sect of Brahmins who are fishaterians from Konkan and Goa) has the same root. Unfortunately this Brahmin sect had enjoyed the political power of Maharashtra in 'Peshwai' and dreamed to regain the same but after the end of Tilak Era these people separated from Indian freedom struggle. The reasons you better known.
    On the contrary the other Brahmin sects of Maharashtra i.e. Deshastha, Saraswat and Karhade have generated different philosophy. In warkari tradition the contribution of Dnyaneshwar and Eknath is wellknown. The role of R.G.Bhandarkar in in the social reformation of Maharashtra can not be forgotten. Historian T.S. Shejwalkar criticized brahmins bitterly in his writings. These and some more people belong to other above mentioned sects of Brahmins of MAharashtra and they are mostly not associated with RSS or Hindu Mahasabha. But recent Development of Sambhaji Brigade and BAMCEF are pushing other Brahmins to that end and this is an unfortunate political game which would bring dark future to Maharashtra.

    In short, the view of Chitpavan or Koknastha Brahmins is not the view of all other Brahmins of Maharashtra.

  28. विट्ठलराव, या भुलथापांतून बाहेर या हो!

  29. संजय सोनवणी यांनी ए फॉर एप्पल जरी म्हटले , तरी ब्राम्हण पिल्लावळ म्हणतील, ''छी काय शुद्र माणूस आहे ए फॉर एप्पल म्हणे''
    पण ते तरी काय करणार , दोष त्यांचा नाहीये प्रॉब्लेम जनेटीक आहे . :-)
    प्रशांत मा. गायकवाड

  30. माझ्या दृष्टीने संघ आणि त्याची विचारधारा किंवा संघविरोधक आणि संघविरोधक विचारधारा ह्या जो पर्यंत भूतकाळावर आधारित आहेत तो पर्यंत त्या दोन्हीत काहीही फरक करण्याची गरज नाही त्या दोन्हीही एकाच नाण्याच्या दोन बाजू आहेत....

    उज्वल भवितव्याच्या, समानतेच्या आधारावर, आणि शास्त्र निष्ठेवर आधारलेले धोरण प्रतिपादन करणारीच विचारधारा समाजाला उपयोगी पडू शकते ....

    भूतकालाधारीत विचारधारा समाजाला तोडण्याचे साधन बनतील... मग त्या संघाला पाठींबा देणार्या असोत किंवा विरोध करणार्या असोत...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. खुप छान लेख संजयजी .
    संघाची पिल्लावळ तुटुनच पडली तुमच्यावर
    यांच्या विरुद्ध काही बोलले कि ती व्यक्ति लगेच.
    पण त्यांना पण चोख उत्तर दिलेत

    अरे संघवाल्यांनो तुम्ही द्वेश पसरविण्याशिवाय केलच काय आहे (समाजसेवा बुरखा माहित आहे)
    भगतसिंग सोबत गेलात कि आझाद हिंदु सेनेत कुठेच नाही ना अहिंसक आंदोलनाला सुघ्दा विरोध केला
    हिंदुत्वाच्या नावाखाली अफवा पसरवल्या डोकी विकृत केली
    बाकी केलं काय आपण ?
    माफीवीर कुठले

    January 19, 201

    1. तुम्ही अल्पसंख्यांकाचे तळवे चाटण्याशिवाय दुसरे काय केले ? ढोंगी पुरोगामीत्व आणि खोटी निधर्मता पसरवली.
      हुतात्मा क्रांतिकारक राजगुरू संघ स्वयंसेवक होते, दररोज संघाच्या शाखेवर "मी हिंदूराष्ट्राच्या स्वातंत्र्यासाठी स्वयंसेवक झालो आहे अशी प्रतिज्ञा केली जायची.
      संघाच्या स्थापनेची पार्श्वभूमी समजून घ्या आणि नंतर बोला. सगळ्यात महत्वाचे "सुटकेची मागणी आणि माफीनामा ह्यातील फरक करायला शिका.

  34. The Real Face of Hindutva: The RSS is never against Muslims or Christians or for that matter against Pakistan.They know that the RSS which is an organization of the Brahmins, for the Brahmins and by the Brahmins can never fight against and harm Muslims & Christians. In reality the RSS is against Non-Brahmin Hindus whom they want to dominate, control, exploit and rule over permanently. In fact, Hindutva is the mask and Brahminatva is the real face. 2. If Non-Brahmins become educated, financially strong and start living peacefully with Muslims, Christians & Dalits, that would be the end of Brahmin rule. The RSS therefore wants Non-Brahmins always engaged in continuous fighting mode, riot prone and violent against Muslims, Christians, Dalits and also amongst themselves and get themselves ruined or at least destroy their progress and remain in perennial underdeveloped state. 3. Brahmins never participate in street fights,violence and riots. They always lead a peaceful, secure, protected and comfortable life. That is the real reason why the RSS has founded the BJP, the VHP, the Patit Pawan Sanghatana, the Bajarang Dal, the Sanatan Sanstha etc.,inducted OBCs in them and is carrying out and implementing its strategy, agenda and programs through them. Their system of rite and ritual of sacrifice (YADHNA) is unbroken with the only change is that they now offer OBCs instead of animals in their sacrifices. 4. Those who oppose supremacy, hegemony and vested interests of Brahmins and their exploitation, inequality, injustice and falsehood in Hinduism have always been called as Anti-Brahmin/ Anti-Hindu/ Anti-Dharma/ Anti-God / Anti-National/ Anti-India/ Agent of Muslims or Christians and they are accused, abused, insulted, humiliated and are made the victims of defamation, character assassination and physical assassination.

  35. लेख पटला नाही !


कृत्रिम बुद्धीमत्तेच्या मर्यादा

     चीनच्या डीपसीकने अलीकडेच जगभर कसा हादरा दिला याचे वृत्त सर्वांनीच वाचले असेल. त्यावर चर्चाही केल्या असतील. भारतही आपने स्वत:चे ए....